IWE Report from Augusta on January 23

From Charles Felder:   Intense Wrestling Entertainment at American Legion Post 63 with attendance of 207. Match 1- AC Mack vs Tyler Cullpret...
From Charles Felder: 

 Intense Wrestling Entertainment at American Legion Post 63 with attendance of 207.

Match 1- AC Mack vs Tyler Cullprett 

 This match starts with Mack on the attack. He gets Cullprett outside and Cullprett stays down like he is hurt and as Mack approaches Cullprett grabs Mack and throws him into the corner post and continues attack on Mack as the referee starts a 10 count. Referee gets to 9 as Culprett throws Mack back inside of the ring. Cullprett stays on the attack and gets a series of 2 count pins on Mack. Mack starts to build a bit of momentum before Cullprett gets back on the attack. Cullprett attempts a springboard move off the middle rope and Mack kicks the rope knocking Cullprett down allowing Mack to get a good hit with a pinfall to win. Results- AC Mack wins via pinfall 9:21

IWE Owner Tim Blackmon comes to the ring and cuts a promo asking the fans how many people are enjoying the show so far? How do you like Georgia Wrestling around here? How many people feel like Augusta gets slighted when it comes to wrestling? He said I heard “We are supposed to have fun in 2021.” “What we are really gonna do is the awards are ours to be won in 2021.”  Yall can Tweet it, Post it, Instagram it we’re coming out swinging and we’re here to take the awards in 2021. All those players over there on the other side of the state, Augusta’s gonna get recognized.

Blackmon then goes on to talk about the last show where the Metro Brothers basically said the IWE fans weren't worth their time of showing up so he stripped them of their IWE Tag Team Titles. The Metro Brothers music hits and they come to the ring escorted by their manager Skinny Vinny. They talk bad about Georgia Wrestling and its fans. Tim Blackmon tells them to hand over the title belts and take a hike. The Metro Brothers  go on to corner Blackmon in the ring and grab on to him and the Bash Brothers (Charlie Anarchy and Brandon Parker) music hits. They come out and rush into the ring and The Metro Brothers hightail it out with the IWE Tag Titles. Blackmon gets on the mic and tells The Metro Brothers since they have a problem with Georgia Wrestling not to worry about taking a hike because they are in a match now against The Bash Brothers.

Match 2- The Metro Brothers (JC & Chris Metro with Skinny Vinny) vs The Bash Brothers (Charlie Anarchy & Brandon Parker)

Action starts with Charlie Anarchy and Chris. The Bash Brothers show excellent tag team skills staying on the attack with frequent tags in and out between partners. They continue on the attack most of the match. The Metro Brothers do a lot of dirty wrestling behind the back of the referee. The Bash Brothers continued to dominate through the match and when it looked as if Parker  was about to finish JC, Skinny Vinny entered the ring and gave a low blow to Parker and the referee called for the bell giving The Bash Brothers the win by disqualification. 

After the match The Metro Brothers attack IWE Owner Blackmon then hurry and grab the tag titles and run out. Results- The Bash Brothers win via DQ 7:58  

Match 3- Savannah Evans vs Dani Jordan IWE Women's Championship Match

* Noted Savannah Evans is the 2020 Carolinas’ Professional Wrestling Awards Female Wrestler of the Year and Dani Jordan is the Georgia Wrestling History 2020 Female Performer of the Year

The matchup starts with both ladies standing in the middle of the ring each holding their title belts (Savannah Evans- IWE Mayhem Champion Dani Jordan IWE Women's Champion). The bell rings and Dani goes on the attack but the size difference is obvious and Dani’s blows seem to have no effect on Savannah. Dani finally does what Dani does best and fights dirty giving her a step up in the match. Both women continue to exchange blow back and forth with each getting a series of two counts. Dani seems to have had enough of it and goes to the corner and grabs her burn book to use against Savannah. The referee grabs the burn book stopping Dani from using it. Dani backs into Savannah who scoops her up and slams her to the mat and gets the pin to be crowned the New IWE Women's Champion Results- Savannah Evans wins via pinfall 9:37 to be crowned the new IWE Women's Champion

As Savannah is in the middle of the ring celebrating her victory, James Houston Music hits and he comes to the ring and gets in Evans' face demanding that he wants his IWE Mayhem Championship back. Just then music hits and it's none other than “The Big Bad Kaiju” O’Shay Edwards. He comes to the ring and tells Houston if it's a fight he is looking for it's a fight he has found and he grabs Houston and starts pounding away at him. Edwards then grabs Houston, lifting him up and slamming him to the mat. Edwards then celebrates with Savannah as she holds up both the IWE Women's Championship and the IWE Mayhem Championship.


Match 4- David Ali vs Hunter Young (c) IWE New Age Title match

Ali enters carrying “Big Red” (his baseball bat wrapped in barbwire).He grabs the mic and says he has given his time across the entire state of Georgia as well as AEW to save promotions. Hunter Young's music hits and he comes out to a roar from the fans. He is obviously the hometown boy from Augusta. Ali starts to tell Young to let The Savior save The Saint. He tells Young that IWE doesn't treat him like a true champion and he deserves so much better treatment. The bell rings and Ali grabs Big Red and lays it on the mat between him and Young. He tells Young to be a real man and grab the bat and use it. Young reaches down to grab it and instead of using it he throws it to the side and gets in Ali’s face and says this isn't AEW this is IWE and i am it's Champ. Ali goes on the attack and the 2 show great ring work. They both get a series of 2 counts. Throughout the entire match Ali is trying to get Young to let him save him, it's not too late to join me. Hunter gets Ali down and goes up to the top rope for a splash. The ref bends down to check on Ali and Ali grabs David Weakley and pulls him on top of him just as Young jumps off the top rope. Young does a splash on top of Ali and the ref and the ref rolls out of the ring. Young pins Ali and the fans start the count 1,2,3,4….they get to 12 and young gets up calling to the back for another ref. Out runs Lead Official Danny Meade and gets in ring. While distracted trying to get a ref Ali grabs Big Red and stares Young down. The ref is telling Ali no, don't use the bat. Ali then again lays the  bat between himself and  Young and tells Young “be a man, use the bat, let me save you.” Young again throws the bat to the side and this angers Ali and Ali hits Young knocking him down on all fours and Ali lines him up and gives him a punt to the skull and gets the pin and a fast 1,2,3 for the win and New IWE New Age Champion. 

The fans start in a major furry of boos with total disagreement with the ref’s fast 3 count. As Young is still down Ali makes him look him in the face and tells Young “it's not too late, you can still join me. Think about it.” Results- David Ali wins via pinfall 16:59 to be crowned the new IWE New Age Champion

Match 5- Sean Legacy vs Josh Magnum in a Bad Blood Grudge Match

This match was put in place because for the past year every time Legacy has been in major matches, Magnum has always found his way of interfering and costing Legacy the win. The line was drawn in the sand at last IWE show when Magnum interfered and cost Legacy the IWE Heavyweight Championship. Magnum comes to the ring first and then Legacy’s music hits. Legacy runs out to the ring and goes immediately on the attack. It wasn't long before the match was taken to the outside and into the crowd. The match got totally out of control and legacy was abusing Magnum with items like a gallon water jug full of water that the fans had and even throwing Magnum inside trash cans. The ref starts the 10 count while the battle continues in the crowd of fans. Legacy notices the ref counting and starts to run towards the ring. The ref calls out 10 right before Legacy could jump into the ring. He calls for the bell and the match is called a no contest due to a double count out. Results- No Contest Double Count Out at 9:34.

Match 6- Logan Creed vs Billy Brash for the IWE Heavyweight Championship

Logan is the first to make his way to the ring. Next is Billy Brash who comes out wearing his newly won IWE Heavyweight Championship looking very confident that he is the new face of IWE and that this is his house. Bell rings and the two square off. They were pretty evenly matched with athleticism, power, and size. They go back and forth with both getting a series of 2 counts. The action goes to the outside of the ring and they both exchange heavy blows to one another. Billy gets Logan back in the ring and goes to the top rope and as he makes a leap from the top Logan catches him with a chop to the chest that was probably heard across town it was so loud. Brash gets the momentum back and gets Logan down and gets the pinfall for the win. Result- Billy Brash win via pinfall 9:48 to retain the IWE Heavyweight Championship

As Billy Brash celebrates his victory, Edwards gets into the ring. There is a stare down and Brash states that they both have been in the business for a while and that this wasn't some Dojo that Edwards trains at this is IWE and this was his house. He then asked what the reason Edwards was out there? What do you want? O’Shay says nothing; he just points at the IWE Heavyweight Championship. Brash looks at him and says “Over my dead body” and exits the ring leaving Edwards there to watch him walk away holding the title.

Blackmon comes out and announces the next IWE show for March 20th with two matches already signed: Brash vs Edwards for the IWE Heavyweight Championship and Legacy vs MLW Superstar Alex Hammerstone. He also states they will even have “a big female superstar who is sure to make an impact”. 

Match 7 - Koloff Dynasty (Neal & Aleksandr with Nikita Koloff)vs Ugly Ducklings (Rob Killjoy & Lance Lude with Coach Mikey) for the IWE Tag Team Championships

First the Ugly Ducklings came out being escorted by Coach Mikey. The fans went crazy; there were at least 99% of the fans giving thunderous quack chants throughout the building. Then the music for the Koloff Dynasty hit and the enter being escorted by NWA Hall of Famer Nikita. The fans seemed to be intrigued by the pure size of this team. They are everything you think of when you think of what a group of wrestlers look like. With huge link chains hanging from their necks. They enter the ring and start mocking duck chants coming from the fans. The match starts and quickly becomes one of the best tag matches I've seen in a very long time. The mixture of pure power from the Koloff Dynasty and athleticism and high flying action from the Ducks. Kept everyone out of their seats the entire match. With the presence of Metro Brothers providing distraction, Killjoy scores the pinfalll with an O'Connor roll and a bridge. The Metro Brothers grab the Ducks and hold them, offering them to the Koloff Dynasty for punishment. The Koloff Dynasty look at Nikita and get a nod and they walk towards the Ducks like they are going to give the finishing blow when they both hit the Metro Brothers instead and run them out of the ring, leaving Skinny Vinny surrounded by both the Ducks and the Koloffs. Nikita runs towards Vinny who is pulled out of harms way by the Metros before he gets killed. 

As the Metro Brothers vacate the area, they try to grab the belts and are unsuccessful. Nikita grabs the belts handing the titles to the Ducks and Nikita and the Koloff Dynasty stand and raise the arms of the IWE Tag Team Champions The Ugly Ducklings. The crowd goes crazy chanting duck calls as the show ends. Results - Ugly Ducklings win to retain the IWE Tag Team Championships

Ring Announcer gets on mic and thanks all the fans for coming out to what in my opinion was the best IWE show I've ever seen. The energy from the fans was at an all time high from the top of the show to the end. IWE has made it known that they are here to make a statement and that 2021 Augusta Wrestling will be recognized.

Notables in attendance- Former ECW Wrestler Chris Hamrick, Viral Pro Wrestling booker James Caleb Kitchens, Suplexes & Microphones Podcast hosts Joseph Brown and Nate Pritchard, The Double Dropkick Show host Heath Mullikin

Officials -- Lead official Danny Meade and Georgia referee of the year David Weakley; Ring Announcer- David Garrick; Videography- Keith Andrews and Tyrel McCain with The Outsiders Media Group; Photography- Lauren Haley; National Anthem sung by- Shealyn Blackmon. 

COVID 19 Precautions-  Temperature checks for all fans and staff were done at the door. All the workers in the locker room had to have proof of a negative COVID 19 test. Social distancing was mandated. Masks were mandatory and about 90% of fans wore them even when seated throughout the entire show. Hand sanitation stations were throughout the venue. All referees wore masks during all matches. In between each match the refs were going around with a spray bottle and rag and cleaning the ropes and turnbuckle pads. At concessions all workers wore masks and gloves.




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states,1,universal,25,unleashed,1,Upcoming,10,ups,1,usa,2,uswo,19,vachon,2,valabama,1,valentine's day massacre,1,valley,14087,valley wrestling,1,vallley,1,van dam,1,van drisse,2,velvet jones,1,vendetta,1,vfw,2,vine compilation,1,vintage,2,virgil,1,vordell walker,2,vow,1,walmart,1,walters,1,war games,3,warner robins,1,washington,1,WATL,1,Wayne,1,wcw,1,werestling,1,wheeler,1,whiplash,1,why we wrestle,1,wilcott,1,wildfire,1,wildside,2,wiley,1,william huckaby,1,willpower,1,wills,1,winter wars,2,women,4,women of wrestling,2,world,4,world class,1,world junior champion,1,worst case scenario,1,WOW,10,wreslting,1,wrestilng,2,wresting,13,Wrestle Force,1,wrestle jam 3,1,wrestle jamm,1,wrestlecade,1,WrestleForce,6,WrestleMerica,3,wrestler,1,wrestler with one leg tied,1,wrestlers,1,wrestlilng,1,wrestlin,1,wrestling,17428,wrestling atlanta,1,wrestling Done,2,wrestling georgia,1,wrestling is art,1,wrestling.,2,wrestling. crossfie,1,wrestling. television,1,wwa4,1,wwe,7,wwf,1,WWN,1,xperience,6,yehi,3,young bucks,2,zack ryder,1,
Georgia Wrestling History: IWE Report from Augusta on January 23
IWE Report from Augusta on January 23
Georgia Wrestling History
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