Anarchy Wrestling Report from Cornela on March 14

From Larry Goodman: Anarchy Wrestling ran their go home show for Hardcore Hell 2015, and a marvelous night of pro wrestling it was. ...
From Larry Goodman:

Anarchy Wrestling ran their go home show for Hardcore Hell 2015, and a marvelous night of pro wrestling it was.

The company is firing on all cylinders as they head into their first major show of year. The heavyweight title situation continues to be the most compelling story at Anarchy, and they took it to whole nother level thanks to the explosive incident between Miss Rachael and Jeff G. Bailey that concluded the evening’s festivities. If that doesn’t get the people back for Hardcore Hell, I don’t know what would. And there’s plenty more. The competition for the other singles titles is ramping up. There’s a hot story in the tag team division that doesn’t involve the title. It wouldn’t be Hardcore Hell without a gimmick match, and Anarchy is introducing a new variation of the Ironman.

I’ve made the rounds to a number of Georgia promotions this year. The thing that was abundantly clear about returning to Cornelia was that none of the other promotion could touch the caliber of wrestling on display at Anarchy. Forget about bad matches on this show. The opener served its purpose and everything else ranged from good to excellent.

One has to be impressed with the depth of the Anarchy roster. Mikael Judas, Iceberg, Shaun Tempers, Washington Bullets, Bobby Moore and Big F’N Deal all had the night off, and Anarchy Wrestling didn’t miss a beat.

Attendance was 100 which is bit down from previous tapings since Charles Anschutz took over as owner. It’s likely that some fans skipped this show and saved it up for Hardcore Hell. The energy level of the crowd more than made up for the lower number. 

Bill Behrens opened explaining the rules of the Ironman Turmoil match at Hardcore Hell.

Miss Rachael (accompanied by BJ Hancock and Lars Manderson) said we had all heard enough of Behrens talking. The fans tried to drown Rachael out with cruel and hateful comments, but Rachael was not to be denied. Ok, I’m biased because she’s one of my co-hosts on Tipping Point, but the lady has become a great talker. Rachael said was confident that Manderson would emerge as the first Ironman at Hardcore Hell. Rachael then griped about Hancock getting screwed out of his return match with Anarchy Heavyweight Champion Billy Buck. She congratulated Jeff G. Bailey on getting the title shot for Jagged Edge tonight, and said whoever won would face Hancock at Hardcore Hell. Rachael said Manderson demanded competition leading to…

(1) Lars Manderson pinned Chris Spectra in 4:22. Manderson dominated but Spectra wasn’t going down without a fight. He stunned Manderson with a tornado kick off a reversal. That just pissed Manderson off and a Falcon Arrow was right around the corner. Manderson’s power offense looked really good here. Spectra is much improved from the last time I saw him at APW.

(2) Jeremy Foster defeated Supernatural to retain the Young Lion’s Championship in 9:08. Foster momentarily lost his focus when he saw Trevor Aeon standing on top of the steel cage sections to watch the match. Supernatural capitalized with a top rope double stomp to Foster’s shoulder and worked over the body part. Supernatural got a near fall with a sliced bread #2, then went up to for the double stomp finisher, but Foster moved out of the way. Foster made a one-armed comeback. Supernatural had the flying knee scouted. Supernatural reversed Fosters’ crossface with a cross armbreaker, but Foster made the ropes. Moments later, Foster hit the flying knee. Not the greatest heat with both being babyface and Supernatural not seen as a top contender but a good match. Foster told the overcoming adversity story well. Supernatural’s offense was believable which hasn’t always been the case.
Postmatch - Aeon posted Foster’s shoulder and was preparing to plant him with a DDT him when Kevin Blue made the save. Jonathan Feltner reminded us that Aeon and Blue would square off to determine the #1 contender for the Young Lion’s title later in the evening.

CB Suave entered the ring with quite the entourage (the debuting Raphael King, P Dog, Nina Monet and Devyn Nicole). Suave calling for silence (ha ha) for P Dog’s encore performance of “Straight Out of Trussville”. Suave (looking dapper in his suit) said he looked more handsome with less clothes on, but the fans wouldn’t be getting that privilege tonight because King was taking his spot in the tag title match. Suave said King had agreed to hand over the belt because it was all about the money.

(3) Devil’s Rejects (Stryknyn & Azrael) defeated Raphael King & P Dog (with CB Suave & Devyn Nicole & Nina Monet) in 8:41. Stryk spooked P Dog into tagging King without even locking up. When King didn’t sell Stryk’s clothesline, an extremely spirited exchange ensued with Stryk wailing away on King with both fists. Azrael further dismantled King. P Dog tagged in and walked into a right hand. Azrael unleashed three hellacious chops that left P Dog gasping for air. The momentum pivoted when Dog hid behind Monet allowing Suave to nail Stryk from the blind side. Stryk took a beating for several minutes. Azrael ran wild with the hot tag. King saved P Dog from death by Rejects combo move. P Dog had Azrael pinned after the Alabama Jam, but referee DA Brewer refused to count because Azrael wasn’t the legal man. Stryk then speared P Dog for the 1-2-3. Terrific action and sustained heat like nothing else on the card. My favorite match of the night.

Afterward, Suave’s posse gave Brewer a fierce beatdown including a Rockbottom by King. P Dog was about to cap it off with the Alabama Jam when Shadow Jackson hit the ring. Jackson hulked up on King and stunned him. Suave wanted no part of Shadow.

(4) Corey Hollis defeated Anthony Henry to retain the Anarchy TV Title in 8:44. They opened with a superb exchange of lightning quick armbar reversals. Henry ate a dropkick and bailed. Hollis pursued. Henry pulled Hollis off the apron and rammed his back into the ring frame. Henry focused his attack on the back of Hollis until the 5 minute mark, when Hollis suplexed Henry into the turnbuckles. Hollis scored a series of near falls with signature moves. Henry fought off a stretch plum, dropped Hollis on his head and hit the frogsplash but Hollis kicked out. Hollis reversed Henry’s cloverleaf attempt and won it with the standing sliced bread. The work was excellent. The extravaganza of near falls was a bit much.

Blue came out to congratulate Hollis on his victory. Feltner announced Blue as Hollis’ challenger at Hardcore Hell. Hollis made it clear the title wasn’t going anywhere Blue wasn’t about to back down. The crowd was split down the middle in their support. Heat based on competition rather than of good vs. evil has been a rare occurrence in Cornelia. It’s working with Slim J and Fred Yehi, and it surely felt like it was working here.

(5) BJ Hancock (with Miss Rachael & Lars Manderson) defeated Jacob Ashworth in 7:20. Ashworth was taking it to Hancock early on. Hancock escaped from Roll of the Dice, and zeroed in in Ashworth’s knee. Hancock proclaimed, “This is for you Billy Buck” before applying a figure four.leglock. Ashworth reversed it for a big pop. Ashworth’s knee betrayed him on a bodyslam. Ashworth escaped from Hancock’s piledriver and hit Roll of the Dice, but Manderson put Hancock’s arm on the ropes. Hancock then hit the piledriver for the win. Hancock again showed why he belongs at the top of the card. The pops for Ashworth continue to outstrip his push, and he’s eliminated the major holes in his in ring.

(6) Trevor Aeon pinned Kevin Blue to become the number one contender for the Young Lion’s Championship in 10:19. Blue had Aeon’s number. Aeon used the ropes to stay out of trouble, then went to the outside to take break. Blue got over his skis with a baseball slide to the outside and was rudely slung into the ringsteps by Aeon. Aeon said, ‘no more heroes” as he worked Blue over with illegal tactics. “The Violence Artist” said there are no rules in art. Referee Ken Wallace said there are rules in wrestling. When Blue came back with a clothesline off the middle rope the crowd got behind him bigtime. Blue hit the Yakuza kick but Aeon got a foot on the ropes. Aeon escaped the Air Raid Crash and hit a pair of flatliner but Blue kicked out. The finish saw Aeon reverse an inside cradle for a clean win. Another good match on a show filled with them. Blue losing cleanly right as the lead in to his TV title shot was an unexpected development.

(7) Slim J defeated Fred Yehi by count out at 10:05 to win their best of five series 3-2. Some great grappling in the opening minutes with each competitor fending off the other guy’s signature submission. Slim rode Yehi amateur style. Yehi returned the favor. The first big move of the match was a germa suplex by Yehi. Slim slid out to shake it off and reentered with a missile dropkick. Yehi kicked out at one. Slim got a two count with a butterfly suplex and applied a bridging hammerlock. Yehi blistered Slim’s chest with his chops. J answered with forearms. When J tried for the flying reverse DDT, Yehi caught him with the Koji Clutch but J was able to slip away. Back and forth standing switches led to a cravate plex by Yehi. J absorbed Yehi’s strikes and invited more. J’s Screwdriver on the Rocks drove Yehi to the ringside area. J followed Yehi out. They walloped each other. J got the better of it and made it back into the ring, while Yehi was counted out. It’s been an awesome series and this was right up there with the rest.

Slim said no way it was going to end like that. Yehi accepted Slim’s proposition for Hardcore Hell- 2 out of 3 falls with no time limit and no count outs. Hell yeah.

Bailey had his say before the main event. Bailey said he had created more stars than the Big Bang, and tonight was Jagged’s proud moment to join his esteemed list of heavyweight champions. Bailey claimedd the only reason Buck became champion was because he allowed it. Bailey said they would be more than glad to defend the title against Hancock, and they had something for that Jezebel Miss Rachael.

(8) Billy Buck defeated Jagged Edge (with Jeff G. Bailey) via DQ to retain the Anarchy Heavyweight Championship in 8:45. Jagged jumped the bell. Buck quickly fired back. Jagged took a powder to avoid the superkick and conferred with Bailey. Buck interrupted, scaring Bailey to death. Back inside, Jagged slowed things down and took control with a big boot. Jagged worked on Buck’s back with repeated bear hugs, as Miss Rachael and Hancock came out to observe. Buck on the comeback. It took four bionic elbows to put Jagged down. Buck was all over him, but Jagged caught Buck’s superkick and flattenened Buck with a belly to belly suplex. Meanwhile, Bailey was doing verbal battle with Hancock and Rachael. Jagged Edge jumped out to get in Hancock’s face. Buck dove off the top turnbuckle toppling both of them over. Hancock lost it and attacked Jagged for the DQ. Bedlam ensued with Hancock, Buck and Jagged going at it. The ring filled with wrestlers from all corners of the locker room trying to break it up.

A triple threat match for the title was announced for Hardcore Hell – Buck vs. Hancock vs. Jagged Edge.

Then came the slaps heard around the world. Rachael slapped the ever living shit out of Bailey. His cheek swelled and turned bright red. Bailey slapped her back for a pop that blew the roof off the Anarchy Arena. Everyone was on their feet. The place was up for grabs. A swarm of wrestlers intervened to keep Rachael and Bailey from getting at each other. Wow, what a finish. Me thinks they sold a few extra tickets.



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states,1,universal,25,unleashed,1,Upcoming,1,ups,1,usa,2,uswo,19,vachon,2,valabama,1,valentine's day massacre,1,valley,14087,valley wrestling,1,vallley,1,van dam,1,van drisse,2,velvet jones,1,vendetta,1,vfw,2,vine compilation,1,vintage,2,virgil,1,vordell walker,2,vow,1,walmart,1,walters,1,war games,3,warner robins,1,washington,1,WATL,1,Wayne,1,wcw,1,werestling,1,wheeler,1,whiplash,1,why we wrestle,1,wilcott,1,wildfire,1,wildside,2,wiley,1,william huckaby,1,willpower,1,wills,1,winter wars,2,women,4,women of wrestling,2,world,4,world class,1,world junior champion,1,worst case scenario,1,WOW,10,wreslting,1,wrestilng,2,wresting,13,Wrestle Force,1,wrestle jam 3,1,wrestle jamm,1,wrestlecade,1,WrestleForce,6,WrestleMerica,3,wrestler,1,wrestler with one leg tied,1,wrestlers,1,wrestlilng,1,wrestlin,1,wrestling,17428,wrestling atlanta,1,wrestling Done,2,wrestling georgia,1,wrestling is art,1,wrestling.,2,wrestling. crossfie,1,wrestling. television,1,wwa4,1,wwe,7,wwf,1,WWN,1,xperience,6,yehi,3,young bucks,2,zack ryder,1,
Georgia Wrestling History: Anarchy Wrestling Report from Cornela on March 14
Anarchy Wrestling Report from Cornela on March 14
Georgia Wrestling History
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