From Rob Brodhecker: 5+ matches scheduled for tonight. The rain and wind chill and the NXT Takeover on the Network doesn't see...
5+ matches scheduled for tonight. The rain and wind chill and the NXT Takeover on the Network doesn't seem to discourage the PWA faithful from showing up tonight. Not quite the crowd from a couple of weeks ago but there are always some late arrivals. Advertised main event is a 6-man match between the Exotic Heathens and The Alliance. The Tyson Dean/Gladiator Jeremiah should be a 5-star match up.
Jason Boyd, ring announcer...
Triston Michaels and Shane Noles promo. Triston asks who enjoyed the brawl from 2 weeks ago. He lays down a 90-day moratorium, saying that no one touches Triston. If they do, they are fired immediately. Promotes the anniversary show and April 21st show. A new match is announced for the show on the 21st, Dreammaker Invitational, a combined Royal Rumble ladder match, the winner gets a title shot at the Heritage title at the Anniversary show in June, no matter who holds it. Triston announces that Logan Creed isn't back from New Orleans, so Triston cancels the 6 man tag match. Simon Sermon and Tommy Too Much come out. Simon says that the Exotic Ones aren't scared of the Alliance. Tommy comments that Shane got beat by Ace Haven. Simon says that he and Tommy will beat all 3 of the Alliance. Triston says "You're on!" and then proceeds to stumble out of the ring. Shane couldn't help him due to the no touching moratorium.
The Two Musketeers (Dante & Aramis) vs. Beautiful Bald Besties (Michael Stevens & Zac Edwards) (referee Mason)
Musketeers are a masked team dressed in all black with red lining the facial openings. Members of the crowd are shouting manboobs at them. Aramis of the Musketeers starts off against Stevens. Stevens just pops him in the mouth, Dante checks in and Stevens dodges a rush. Good double teams by the Beasties with frequent tags. Dante tags in Aramis and they start doubling up on Edwards but a clothesline by Zac puts an end to that. Besties hit their finisher, "The Emperor Zurg" and that's it the Musketeers. Time 10 minutes.
Crystal Rose vs. Jessica Leigh (referee Darryl Hall)
Crystal is playing up the babyface role and has the early advantage. Faceplant onto the middle turnbuckle gives Jessica the upper hand. Nice double under hook suplex by Jessica gets a 2 count. Jessica jawing with the fans. Crowd cheering on Crystal, who mounts a comeback. Belly to belly suplex gives Jessica a near 3. Jessica then plants Crystal with a jumping DDT for a 3 count. time about 7 minutes.
The Alliance (Shane Noles & CB Suave & Romeo) vs. The Exotic One (Simon Sermon &Tommy Too Much) (referee Darryl Hall)
Tommy comes out to The Disco Inferno by the Trammps. Good stuff. Alliance takes a powder. Simon frisks the ref and Tommy's working the crowd trying to give away his shirt. The Alliance tries to surround them and then rush, Exotic Ones duck down and the Alliance hit each other. Exotic Ones then clear the ring. Exotic Ones are playing up to the crowd and the crowd just love it! Alliance trying to regroup. Shane and Tommy start out, Shane wants to shake hands. Tommy grabs Shane's hand and bites it. Drags Shane over to Simon and pulls the ref away, while Simon tries to break Shanes' arm. Shane gets Tommy in his corner and has CB hold Tommy. Shane tries to hit Tommy but Tommy ducks and CB takes the punch. Shane tags in Romeo and Simon comes in. Romeo is hitting the European uppers, gets CB to hold Simon and Simon ducks and CB gets hit again. Simon throws out Romeo out of the ring. Match reminds me of some of the DX v the Spirit Squad matches. Shane finally getting the upper hand on SS. 3 belly to backs on Simon by CB. Simon tries to tag but Shane knocks Tommy off the ring apron. Numbers have caught up to the Exotic Ones. Classic heel double and triple teams. Brutal kick to the back of Simon by Romeo gets a near fall. Romeo hits Tommy to distract the ref. CB gets Simon in a standing Suplex and does his hip grind while holding Simon up in the air. Tommy and the crowd trying to rally Simon. Tommy gets the tag and unloads on CB. Romeo breaks up a pin attempt. Tommy tries a corner splash and eats the post. Romeo back in, unloading on Tommy in the corner. Shane tags in and tries to do chops on Tommy, no effect. A distraction by Simon lets Tommy low blows Shane. Tommy winds up for his lariat but CB and Romeo drag Shane out. Shane tags Romeo in and gets a double suplex in Tommy. Shane back in, spinebuster on Tommy but misses the followup. Simon in. Cleaning up on CB and Romeo. Hits a corner splash on Romeo for a 2 count. Brings Romeo up for the Manchester Driver but CB comes in and hits a superkick on Simon and Romeo lands on Simon for the win. Time 15 minutes. The Alliance taking victory laps around the ring. Tommy protecting Simon in the ring with a chair. Crowd cheers for Exotic Ones.
Donnie Primetime vs. Ace Haven (with Amy Haven) (referee Mason)
A familiar match up in the Pro South and Alabama area comes over for I believe for the first time to PWA. Donnie's trying to gain the advantage but Ace is countering everything. Cheap shot off a handshake by Donnie. Ace gets hot and knocks Donnie out of the ring. Ace sits down in the ring and lures Donnie in. Several moves later Donnie hangs Ace up along the top rope. Donnie on the attack. Lazy cover by Donnie. Crowd chanting for Ace. Ace trying to a comeback, Donnie locks in a sleeper. Ace breaks out and starts landing fists and forearms. High knee by Donnie breaks it up. Donnie misses from the top rope and Ace hits a flying knee for a 2 count. Superkick by Ace gets another 2. Tombstone off a missed kick gets Donnie a near fall. Donnie tosses Ace out of the ring. Ace catches Donnie with a shoulder to the stomach and then hits a springboard cutter for the 3 count.
Intermission. Very close to a full house again. The new bleachers will help handle larger crowds. Next show is April 21.
Gladiator Jeremiah vs. Tyson Dean (referee Mason)
Really looking forward to this matchup. Handshake to start off. I had a high expectation a lot of chain wrestling and am not disappointed. Bridging arm lock by Gladiator. Muutal respect being shown. 2 very evenly matched men, Tyson has a slight height and weight advantage. A very old school match up with holds and counters. Head scissors by Gladiator gives him the first real advantage. Gladiator is really working on the arm. Nice counter leads to a 2 count which then leads to a lariat. Gladiator with a surfboard on Dean. Gladiator is aggressively methodical in his attack. Both men are trading punches, Tyson getting the better of the exchange. Fist and forearms by Tyson. Beautiful snap suplex by Tyson into a rear chin lock. Gladiator breaks out and goes up for a moonsault but misses getting a big Ooohhh from the crowd. Kick to the head leaves Tyson reeling but he counters the next attack. The crowd is cheering both men with Tyson more of the favorite. Gladiator sets Tyson up for a neck breaker, Tyson counters with an RKO for a very near fall. Tyson catches Gladiator with a high knee to the face for the 3 count, Time 13:30. They shake hands. A ton of respect here. Want to see this again!
Heritage Championship: Kevin Blue (c) vs. Geter
Blue is out first. He has his fans here but the crowd is ready to explode for Geter. The PWA has been waiting for this for a month now. Geter chants erupt. weight, reach, and height advantage to Geter(Duh!) Geter trying to cut off Blue, Blue swings around and lands several punches before Geter shoves him off. Blue keeps hitting and finally, Geter throws him off and lands some powerful body blows. Powerful chop to the chest of Blue, crowd calling for another and Geter gives it to them. Geter tries for a body slam and Blue wiggles out and goes outside the ring with "Chicken chants" from the crowd following right behind him. Blue jaws with the crowd and Geter head outside. Stiff forearm by Geter. Geter stalking Blue around the ring area. Geter tosses Blue into the barricades. Some fans holding up chairs, hoping Geter will grab one. Geter tries for a chop against the post and Blue barely ducks out of the way. Blue tries to go on the attack but Geter tosses him back into the ring. Blue tries to get Geter in between the ropes but it doesn't go well. Blue then yanks Geter's arm over the top rope and that slows the big man. Blue tires for a stinger splash and Geter catches him in a bear hug. Blue rakes the eyes and gets a bulldog in for a two count. Blue delivering forearms and knees to Geter in the corner. Tries for another splash but Geter moves and gets a belly to back in for a very very near fall. Geter picks Blue up, Blues is almost out on his feet. Geter has him up for a body slam but Blue locks in a dragon type sleeper. Geter down to his knees. Geter barely makes the 3 arm raises by the ref. Geter manages to flip Blue off him and Blue rolls out of the ring. Geter follows him. Geter catches Blue and slams him on the ring apron. Ref Darryl is not counting. Geter is taking Blue around the ring. Darryl is now counting. Geter picks Blue up and is walking him up the ring stairs. looks like he's going to try The Fall of Man on the apron. Blue slides out and knocks Geter off the apron. The count is on. Geter barely makes the 10 count. Blue goes out and grabs a chair and brings it into the ring. Tries to hit Geter with it and Geter blocks it and then hits The Fall of Man. Both men are down. Geter first up and tries a cover, Blue barely gets a shoulder up. Blue is holding his own here, mad props to him. Geter misses a splash and Blue hits two running knees to the head. Geter down. More boots from Blue finally knock out Geter for the 3 count. Time 18:30.
Blue grabs the mic starts yelling at the crowd. Geter sits up and glares at Blue. Blue gives Geter some respect. Promos the Dreammaker Invitational for April 21st.