From Rob Brodhecker: All Pro Championship Wrestling presents Beatdown! Heirway Christian Academy 6758 Spring St. Douglasville, G...
From Rob Brodhecker:
All Pro Championship Wrestling presents Beatdown!
Heirway Christian Academy
6758 Spring St. Douglasville, Ga
This is a rare treat for me to report on a show that's about 7 miles from my house. I see some familiar faces that I know outside of wrestling in attendance here tonight. The gym floor has room for about 230 seats and 3 sets of bleachers. Just a few minutes before bell time, I would guesstimate that about 80% of the floor seats are occupied. WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long is here along with HOF'er Robert Gibson, 1/2 of the Rock 'n Roll Express. There are 5 matches scheduled for tonight: 4 singles and 1 tag match. Several members of the APCW Academy will be wrestling tonight. The crowd is pretty much at full capacity, I would say about 270.
Mike McKenney is your Master of Ceremonies and introduces Teddy Long, who is acting as commissioner tonight. Teddy announces that there will be some shake-ups in the way things are done tonight. Brian Brock and Reece will be your refs tonight.
Alister Crowe (with Miss Angel) vs. Landon Hale
Alister has an emaciated, tatted up, goth crow gimmick and has done several shows here and in Alabama as part of the Left Hand Path group. Landon is definitely the crowd favorite. the acoustics of the building make the crowd noise seem like there are 3 times as many people here. They are cheering for any move that Landon does. Nice looking cradle driver by Landon but he misses the Stinger Splash. Crowe locks in a front chancellery and does an alligator death roll a couple of times before flipping over into an STF. Landon gets out and plants Crowe for the pin. Time: 8:07. A hot crowd for the opening match can never be wrong.
Elrod Campbell (with Miss Angel) vs "Strongman" Oliver Steele
"Elrod Sucks" chants greet Mr. Campbell, formerly a member of the South Side Trash, as he makes his way ringside. The Student section of the audience is extremely vocal but they need to back off the "Sissy" chants as I know more than a few "Sissies" who could put them into a hospital. Steele is working the carnival strongman gimmick complete with bar handle mustache and weighted hammer. This will be a battle of big men, there won't be a lot to technical aspects to this one. Elrod's strung together several power moves to get the 319 lb Steele off his feet. Steele making his comeback and has Elrod down for the pin but Tommy Pinerelli comes in and attacks Steele with what looks like a stickball bat. Steele wins by DQ in 5:41. Teddy Long comes out and says that Tommy was suspended several shows ago. and he re-suspends Tommy for another 30 days. Teddy calls for a Sherrif's Deputy and asks him to escort Tommy out of the building. Teddy leads the "Hey, Hey, Goodbye" song for Tommy.
First intermission
Zack Mosley vs. Chris "The Hype" Henry in a #1 contenders match for the APCW title
The match was about to get started when JR Reynolds comes out to interrupt and he asks for the mic. He says that he's the #1 contender and wants to be in the match. Damien Bennet comes out and wants in the match as well to make it a Fatal Fourway. All of this commotion brings out Teddy Long. He says that since JR and DB weren't booked he will schedule a match on April 13th between them.
JR and DB leave and Mosley attacks Chris but Chris turns it around and then chases Mosley out of the ring. A fast pace match ensues until Mosley posts Chris. Mosley looks impressive thus far. Mosley hits a suplex powerbomb for a 2 count. Chris hypes up and goes on the offensive. Chris sets up outside for a move but Mosley catches him. Mosley goes up for what looks like a 450 but Chris pops up and they fight on the top turnbuckle. Chris looks like he chokes slams Mosley from the top rope for the victory. Time 10:35. Chris Henry is the #1 contender for the APCW championship.
Carolina Fight Club (Eric Adamz and Jeff Lewis Neal) (c) vs Reality Check (Braden Shane and Rodney Wayne)
Eric comes out with both belts. Eric grabs the mic and says that it's so good to be back in Cincinnati. Eric says that since his partner isn't here and the other team is a bunch of rookies, he'll entertain the crowd with his Karaoke skills. The crowd boos that and Eric says that he's leaving. Teddy Long stops him leaving and says that there will be a match. Eric says that his partner isn't here. Teddy gives him a choice: go find a partner or defend them by himself. Eric leaves the ring and goes to the back to find someone. He finds Recon. Shane and Rodney are introduced. Recon is out muscling Shane. Rodney tags in and so does Eric. Eric bails after a couple of shoulder tackles. The greenness of the Shane and Wayne makes itself know in some awkward timing of moves but in other areas, they do look good. Wayne is taking most of the heat for the challengers. The crowd is trying to give some life to Wayne. Heel tag shenanigans by the champs. Eric goes for a middle rope elbow drop but Wayne moves and makes the hot tag to Shane but the ref misses it. Wayne hits a double clothesline and goes to the wrong corner. Shane hip tosses him to the right one and makes the tag. Shane hits a bulldog dropkick combo on Eric and Recon and almost gets the pin. The crowd was hot for the false finish. Shane and Wayne hit a double team on Eric and win! Time: 18:02. New APCW tag team champions: Reality Check.
The crowd is literally jumping up and down for this win. Eric and Recon have a shoving match in the ring and then Eric attacks Recon from behind. Mosley makes the save for Recon. Apparently, Mosley and Recon are tag partners. Mosley makes the challenge for Mosley and Recon against Reality Check for the tag titles for the April 13th show.
Second intermission.
Sean Sims (c) (with Angel and Elrod Campbell) vs Jordan Kingsley for the APCW title
A rather sizable size difference between Jordan and Sean but that doesn't stop Jordan from getting into Sean's face. Jordan starts off hot with a dropkick, high knee and a springboard clothesline on Sean. Ahead scissors sends Sean outside and Jordan somersaults over the top and nails Elrod. Sean tries to sneak attack but Jordan was ready for him. Jordan working the arm of Sean. Sean sends Jordan out of the ring and Elrod attacks while Sean has the ref distracted. Heat on Jordan. Sims moves well for a larger man. Several near falls on Jordan. Several chants directed at Sims by the student section, some are clever others need to see what I wrote previously. A missed corner splash by Sims sets up a hope spot but Sims captures Jordan in a bear hug. Oooh, there was a miscue on a pin attempt. Sims misses a splash and both men are slow to get up. A power slam by Sims but Jordan Just gets a foot on the ropes. Elrod is up on the apron holding Jordan's arms and Sims rushes them, Jordan moves, Sims hits Elrod and Jordan rolls up Sims for the victory. Time 16:05. The crowd goes completely gaga for the pin. The face locker room empties out for the celebration in the ring. Chris Henry is also out and stares off with Jordan. The April 13th show will feature Chris Henry vs. Jordan Kingsley for the APCW title.
APCW returns to Heirway Christian Academy in Douglasville on April 13th.