
Puerto Rican Wrestling News: Espiritu Pro Wrestling Dojo’s Pa’ Bravo Yo and La Noche de La Evolucion 5 Highlights, WWC, WWL

Puerto Rican Wrestling News: Espiritu Pro Wrestling Dojo’s Pa’ Bravo Yo and La Noche de La Evolucion 5 Highlights, WWC, WWL
From Alfred Feliciano: Summer 2019 kicked off with two big events from Puerto Rico’s Wrestling scene that has every wrestling fan wh...
From Alfred Feliciano:

Summer 2019 kicked off with two big events from Puerto Rico’s Wrestling scene that has every wrestling fan who attended still talking. This is especially true for the loyal fans from the island, as well as those pouring in from all over America. These fans, who support both Puerto Rican and their local Indy Wrestling promotions throughout the Southeastern U.S, definitely made their presence known Memorial Day Weekend at Espiritu Pro Wrestling Dojo’s second live event Pa’ Bravo Yo. This event was held at the Edgar Martinez Athletic Complex in Dorado on Sunday May 26th. One featured match of this show was the mixed Tag Team match from two of Mendoza’s top students: Daniel Gonzales and Yaide Lopez (who, with fellow student wrestler: El Gentil, has made news on WWL’s two events earlier this spring) against “The Soul Reaver” Raeven Marie and Edward Torres. The event also featured appearances from Puro Macho member: “El Ejecutor” JC Navarro, former CWA World Champion and now a part of WWL’s Roster as well as wrestling throughout the Indy circuit all over Puerto Rico, “El Futuro” Justin Dynamite, and current WWL Americas Champion: Mark Davidson. In the main event, Mike Mendoza squared off against former WWL World Tag Team Champion, current IWA Puerto Rico wrestler, and West Side Mafia member, “El Cabro Sucio” Tabu. Fans enjoyed it.

Additionally, La Noche de La Evolucion 5 was held at the Salvador Dijols Coliseum in Ponce Beach last Friday, May 31. On this show, every Superstar from WWC, WWL, CWA (including IWA Puerto Rico World Campion and Puro Macho member: “La Nueva Cara” Electro) were on hand. Also on the event was Arturo Morales, President of NGCW in Florida, who had a surprise for Abbad and current WWC Television Champion: Zcion RT1 (who are also organizers for the event and owners of WWC Development Territory: Revolution Wrestling Entertainment in Ponce). The most talked about match of the evening was a Fatal Four Way match between Electro, Jovan, Sensational Star Roger, and Justin Dynamite. The jam-packed, sold-out crowd of over 1,200 who came to see La Noche de La Evolucion 5 enjoyed every match from start to finish. The good news for these fans is that La Noche de La Evolucion will return with their sixth edition later this year.

See below for video highlights from both events. Also included below are highlights from both events, including Contralona’s interview with Yaide and El Gentil, who, as mentioned, have been making news in WWL. The videos below also include the entire card promo of La Noche de la Evolucion 5.

See below for a link from Contralona with photos and results from La Noche de la Evolucion 5:

Ponce sintió la Evolución con cartelera especial anoche en la Salvador Dijols (FOTOS y VIDEO) | Contralona.com | San Juan | Contralona

Ponce sintió la Evolución con cartelera especial anoche en la Salvador D...

La quinta edición de La Noche de la Evolución dejó un buen sabor en la fanaticada que estuvo presente en el Coli...

On Saturday, June 1st, WWC returned to the Lauro Davila Coliseum in Toa Alta with another record-breaking fan attendance. Zcion RT1 retained the WWC Television Championship defeating number one contender: Jay Cobs, while “La Ola De La Violencia” Doom Patrol retained the WWC World Tag Team Championships by defeating La Revolucion. As their road to their upcoming 46th Anniversary Show Weekend (scheduled for later this summer) continues, WWC returns to the Acropolis Coliseum in Manati on Saturday June 8th with an 8:30 PM bell time. Advertised:

-“The Precious One” Gilbert continues defending the WWC Universal Championship in an Open Challenge match.

-“El Campeon del Pueblo” Bellito Calderon vs. Pedro Portillo in a Grudge match

-La Potencia (Nemesis and Wonka) squares off against WWC World Tag Team Champions “La Ola de La Violencia Doom Patrol (Cold and Death Warrant) in a non-tag team title match

-El gigante Nihan vs. El Gran Armando(W.El Wizard) in an anything goes match

-“La Abusadora” Black Rose vs. “The Soul Reaver” Raeven Marie

-Also scheduled to appear: “El Ilegal” Chcano, “El Alma Perdida” Xavant, La Formula (Steve Joel and Jay Velez), Guevara and many more!

General Admission:$12.00 Kids 11 and up: $5.00

For more information on upcoming events, including the dates and site of their upcoming 46th Anniversary Show Weekend, visit WWC on Facebook.


See below for three episodes of WWC (the first was from last Sunday May 26th and two new episodes from last Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd.)

World Wrestling League held their press conference on Friday June 1st at Hijole Restaurant in Isla Verde with huge announcements. According to what was mentioned in the press conference, their Facebook page, and from Contralona, WWL is now an official member of FITE TV. They join fellow wrestling promotions worldwide, and their episodes will be available on FITE TV starting next week. This will continue every Saturday evening on Telemundo’s Punto 2 Network all over the Island. WWL will also have their first live event in IPPV on FITE TV called Pena Capital (Capital Penalty) on Saturday August 17th, 2019 with the site to be announced. In less than two weeks, WWL’s Destino Final (Final Destiny) will be held at the Angel Musico Hernandez Amphitheater in Dorado, with an 8:00 PM bell time. For this event, a tournament will begin to crown a new WWL Super Crusierweight Champion. The first three qualifying matches will lead up to War in The West 3, which will take place on Saturday, July 21st at the El Mani Boxing Pavillion in Mayaguez. The finals of the tournament will take place on WWL’s Pena Capital live on FITE TV on August 17th. Participating in the tournament and representing Espiritu Pro Wrestling Dojo: El Gentil, Manú, and Androide 787, Kevin Norban, Rodrigo García, Mr. Cage, King Kandelo, OB, Andrew Koztaz, Fast Forward, El Auténtico Joe, and Brandon Muller. Also on Destino Final, fans will see:

-The return of Latin American Xchange (Santana and Ortiz, who are also Impact Wrestling House of Glory, and are AAW World Tag Team Champions) defending the WWL World Tag Team Championships against West Side Mafia (“El Cabro Sucio” Tabu and “Morgan De Jesus)

-“La Artilleria Pesada” Thunder and Lightning vs. Star Roger and Justin Dynamite

-In the Main Event: “El Fenomeno” BJ will be defending the WWL World Championship against “El Escorpion” Mike Mendoza with “Mr. San Juan” Tommy Diablo as the special guest referee. If Mendoza loses the match, El Concilario (The Council) will be revealed that night.

See below for last weekend’s WWL High Voltage episode, along with the highlights of WWL’s Press Conference.

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television,1,wwa4,1,wwe,7,wwf,1,WWN,1,xperience,6,yehi,3,young bucks,2,zack ryder,1,
Georgia Wrestling History: Puerto Rican Wrestling News: Espiritu Pro Wrestling Dojo’s Pa’ Bravo Yo and La Noche de La Evolucion 5 Highlights, WWC, WWL
Puerto Rican Wrestling News: Espiritu Pro Wrestling Dojo’s Pa’ Bravo Yo and La Noche de La Evolucion 5 Highlights, WWC, WWL
Georgia Wrestling History
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