From Rob Brodhecker: Nine matches are scheduled for tonight's shows, all but one are single matches. Marko Stunt asked for and ...
From Rob Brodhecker:
Nine matches are scheduled for tonight's shows, all but one are single matches. Marko Stunt asked for and got a match for a final appearance on the Indy scene as he heads to the bright lights of AEW. Marko will face his SCI Night One foe, Billy Buck. Buck will be looking to avenge his controversial loss at the SCI. His cohorts in Team TAG will be in action as they face off against Matt Sells and Cabana Man Dan.
James Bandy will face Alan Angels, Ben Carter and Shawn Dean hook up, Logan Stunt will attempt to climb Mt. Arik Royal, Bobby Flaco, and Liam Gray will be taking to the air, Steve Manders and AJ Gray will be slugging it out, Fred Yehi and Erick Stevens will cross it up, and your main event will be the Action Championship up for grabs as two of the leading candidates for Georgia Wrestler of the Year, AC Mack(c) and Slim J fight for the belt.
The proceeds from tonight's show will go to Southside Support, which supports special needs children and their families. for more details. They have packed out the Roger Spencer Community Center, paid crowd at 230, and they maxed out with the comps at 255. Over $4k was raised.
The next three Action shows will be October 5 for the Tyrone Founders Day celebration, October 25, and December 6.
They've had to bring out more chairs to accommodate the overflow crowd. The kids in the group were driving the noise level throughout the night. I bet they fell asleep as soon as they got home, which made the parents happy. There was a couple who celebrated their anniversary by attending the show.
Scott Hensley is your ring announcer, Dylan Hales is on video commentary, with a rotation of people coming in for color. Aaron Noyes and Darryl Hall are your referees.
Alan Angels vs. James Bandy
This match was set up at the previous Action show which featured a turn by both men at the end of Angels' match with Tommy Maseratti. Angels was in control until Bandy caught him as Angels was sliding out of the ring and Bandy slammed him into the side of the stage. Several comebacks from Angels are thwarted by power moves from Bandy. Angels' stiff kicks get him on the comeback trail. A powerbomb by Bandy nets a near fall. Angels is able to get Bandy in the Wingsanpper at 7:21 for the pinfall. A pretty decent match to open the show, B-
Scott introduces Action CEO, Matt Griffin. He thanks the crowd for being the biggest one to date for Action.
Team TAG (Kevin Blue and Chris Spectra) vs. Matt Sells and Kavron Kanyon (sub)
Sells-o-Mania is running wild in Tyrone. Who would have ever thought that a losing streak that an (allegedly) drunken Matt staggering his way to the ring and losing all his matches, would have become quite possibly the most over wrestler in the state of Georgia? Some fans even have large poster-sized signs made up. Kanyon is a sub for the advertised CMD. Sells gets some early offense in on Spectra before both men tag out. A Team Tag double team puts heat on Kanyon. Hot tag to Sells, but that leads to a Team Tag double team for the pinfall on Sells at 7:38. Sells is now 0-44-1 for the year. He would end up being 0-47-1 by the time the weekend was over. C+.
Blue wants Dylan Hales to come into the ring and hand him the mic. Blue starts calling out "Marko" with the crowd responding Polo. Blue tells the crowd that Buck will send Marko out of the indy scene with a loss.
Benjamin Carter vs. Sean Dean
A dropkick from Carter and a spine buster by Dean set the pace in the opening minutes. Carter gets knocked outside, and Dean gets some serious air with a running backflip over the top rope, Carter is able to reverse a delayed standing suplex. Dean gets knocked to the floor, and Carter dives on him, twice. Several near falls on Dean. A high knee by Dean leads to a super backbreaker for the win at 6:36. They shake hands afterward. This match was high flying, all action with only a little story. Some people would call it a spot fest, but I think that it fell short of that, B.
Steve Manders vs. AJ Gray
They went from cruiserweight to heavyweight hoss fight. Manders is coming off his win at the SCI Futures Showcase and hails from Iowa. Hard-hitting moves from both men start the match. They trade off on chest chops. Is it just me or does it seem that the whole chest chop/neck slap thing is getting overplayed? I mean it's a great visual, but it seems you see it more than once in a show. Sorry, rant over. Thankfully this was the only match tonight in which this happened. Both men are fighting in the high rent district, and Gray is able to get Mander over with a powerbomb and pins him at 7:13, B.
Arik Royal vs. Logan Stunt
This is quite literally a David vs. Goliath matchup, Stunt weighs in 120 and Royal weighs in at 260. Logan's trying to take out Royal's leg, but Royal just kicks him off. Royal goes for a kick, but Logan gets a front chancellery locked in, but Royal breaks it. Royal is jaw jacking with the crowd while slamming Logan with blows. A pounce sends Logan out of the ring and Noye starts the ten count. Royal sets up on the ring apron, and he runs at Logan, but Logan moves. Logan dives a couple of times and then leaps from the top turnbuckle onto Royal. Logan tries to get Royal into the ring but gives up trying to pick Royal up, and lets Noye start the count out process, Royal gets in at 9. Logan gets up and onto Royal several times from the top but can't get the pinfall. Royal hits Logan with pop up uppercut and gets a near fall. Logan tries for a Canadian Destroyer, but it gets messed up. Logan gets Royal in a sleeper. Royal teases reaching for the ropes but falls to one knee. Team TAG hit the ring and attack Logan, causing the DQ. I had thought we would be having a Fezzik/Man in Black ending, which would be one of the few ways Logan could believably beat Arik until TAG interfered. C+
Marko storms to the ring with Matt Griffin's trying to keep him back. Marko leaps from the top rope and splashes TAG. They fall ringside, and Griffin climbs to the top turnbuckle and splashes onto Blue and Spectra. Logan, Griffin, Spectra, and Blue fight to the back, and the match between Marko and Buck starts.
Billy Buck vs. Marko Stunt
Marko is going off on Buck like someone shoved some M-80's in his pants. Buck manages to catch Marko as Marko was coming off the turnbuckle into a spinebuster. Buck is teeing off on Marko. Wow! That was a vicious clothesline on Marko. Buck tries to a powerbomb, but Marko turns it into a hurricanrana and Buck goes out of the ring. Buck catches Marko as he was diving through the ropes and slams him into the ring. Buck is trying for a superplex, but Marco flips him over for a powerbomb for a near fall. Buck dodges a Swanton and hits the Buckshot but pulls Marko up at 2. Buck grabs a chair and brings it into the ring. Griffin comes out and grabs the chair from Buck, yelling at Buck, "You've gone too far!!" Marko rolls Buck up for the pinfall. Total time for the two matches is 9:57. B-. I'm starting to get the feeling that when the conclusion of the Griffin/Team TAG saga ends, it's going to rather bloody.
Griffin's in the ring and on the mic. He tells the crowd that Marko will be seen on TV with AEW in Oct and that Marko deserves to be on the show, and that Griffin hopes that Marko will kick some ass.
Liam Gray vs. Bobby Flaco
Looks like there will be two high flying matches tonight. Flaco's got a shoulder brace on so we'll see how that affects his style. I'm racking my brain, but I think that this is the first time I've seen Gray wrestle someplace other than the 4 arena, minus any TV appearances. A lot of back and forth between the men before Liam targets the injured arm of Flaco. While this has been a fast-paced match, there are pauses in the action to let the men sell the effects. Flaco wins with a frog splash double stomp at 8:57. A good match by both men, B+
Erick Stevens vs. Fred Yehi
This will be my first time seeing Stevens in action. Stevens offers his hand, and they shake, but Stevens kicks Fred in the stomach. This looks to be the strong style match of the might, stiff strikes and shots are bandied about. Yehi was in control until Stevens drives him into the stage. Wow, there's no thigh-slapping on Yehi's chops. Stevens gives Yehi a German from the middle turnbuckle. Stevens delivers elbow after elbow into Yehi's chest, and Yehi is pumping up with each one. Yehi locks in a Koji Clutch and pounds away at the unprotected head of Stevens, and the ref calls for the bell at 13:32. A- for a match that Larry would have loved. Stevens gets some love from the crowd.
Action Championship match: Slim J vs. AC Mack (c)
Mack's out first and makes Hensley hold the Action Championship belt up high. He launches into his trademarked introduction and adds in that he's the real 2019 SCI Champion. Slim J comes out to a massive ovation from the crowd. Slim goes for an armbar submission right off the hookup, but AC reaches the ropes. Slim's offense sends Mack to the outside, and Slim splashes him. Mack gains the upper hand and starts pounding away on Slim. The crowd is rallying Slim, and he nails Mack from the top rope. Slim hulks out and rips off the shirt. He hits the sliced bread, but Mack kicks out. Slim locks in a crossface variation. Mack teases tapping but makes the ropes. Mack rolls out of the ring and avoids Slim jumping on him. Mack slams Slims' face onto the stage. Mack ties up Slims' legs in the ring post and delivers a neck breaker on to the ring apron. Slim barely kicks out. Mack grabs the belt and brings it into the ring. Hall grabs the belt, and as he turns, Mack just casually kicks out and low into Slim's groin, but Slim kicks out. Mack tries rolling him up with a handful of tights, but Slim still kicks out. Mack gets Slim into the Mack 10 and plants him for the victory at 11:58. And still your Action Champion, AC Mack. Best match of the night by far, a solid A.
Team Tag attacks Matt Griffin at ringside and drag to the ring. Blue and Spectra hold Griffin up and Buck superkicks him. Blue goes off on Griffin and tells him that this is the last time that Griffin sticks his face into TAG's business; otherwise, TAG will continue to beat Griffin down. Carter, Kanyon, Manders, and Flaco run out to make the save for Griffin. Griffin gets a CEO chant. He thanks everyone for coming out and that after the match with Buck two months ago that he was retired from wrestling but not from fighting and that he'll see everyone on October 5.
Even with nine (9!) matches, the show went rather fast. Griffin's plotting out of the various matches and stories has grown better and better with each show. Logan Stunt will still be available for shows. The Griffin/TAG feud is reaching a boiling point.