SuperStar Wars of Wrestling Report from Taylors SC on September 25

 From Jeff Richards:  "Missing Superstars Do Not Go to War" TAYLORS, SC --  There is nothing like a perfect wrestling show. In fa...

 From Jeff Richards:

 "Missing Superstars Do Not Go to War" TAYLORS, SC -- 

There is nothing like a perfect wrestling show. In fact, nowadays there is no such thing. With all the wrestlers no-showing due to COVid, travel issues, etc., promoters are lucky to stage events at all. And in between was this past Saturday's (9/25/21) SuperStar Wars of Wrestling card, "Sacrifice." 

 Fans are almost ready to grace high school gyms (Eastside in Taylors, for example) again. Not many masks were worn, but that did not threaten the non-appearing workers (i.e. main eventers EC3 and Too Cold Scorpio). Also noticeably absent were Logan Creed, Nikita Koloff and Griff Garrison. 

Attendance (butts in seats) included 340; however, the paid was considerably higher with many fans staying home to watch Clemson football. Eight different sponsors were lined up by the co-promoting tandem of John Collins and debuting Jeff Lewis Neal. 

The show also doubled as a way to pay tribute to fallen promoter/wrestler Norton Lewis (David Cody). Lewis successfully ran an NCW promotion in the upstate and beyond, developing future superstars who main event shows today. 

Seven matches including a battle royal and four-way elimination tag were staged. There was more planned, but (thankfully) the night lasted almost 3.5 hours. At least 100 citizens left the gymnasium prior to 10:45 pm.

(1) Sal Rinauro won a four-way scramble bout also featuring Colby Corino, Devin Cruise and Marcus Kross in 13 minutes. As expected, this was one of the better attractions. Team work between Corino and Cruise prevailed temporarily. However, then teammates would turn against each other. A double bulldog (and high five) by Kross/Rinauro scored points with fans. Cruise kicked out of a Corino springboard senton. Finally Rinauro''s "Lethal Injection" doomed Cruise to a pinfall. Rating: 2 1/2 stars 

(2) Bunkhouse Borain (sp?) won a 17-man battle royal to re-determine the NCW Heavyweight Champion. The nice NCW belt was brought to the ring by Lewis' ex-girlfriend (not his former wife). A ten bell salute was observed. Ring announcer Bill Hazelwood called Lewis a "big bad wrestler." Lodi (w/signs in tow) was late arriving and walked around ringside for 3 minutes 5 seconds. But wait, Dustin Bozworth was late too, clocking in at 3:40. At 4 minutes in, guys literally started jumping over the top rope. Tag partners Sweet Dreamz was eliminated sixth, and Deon Johnson was dumped seventh. A masked member of the "Moonshine Express" Big Nasty Bastard was ninth out. Lodi eliminated his trainee Bozworth, but "The Boz" crept back in while the two referees were looking elsewhere. Student eliminates teacher, but Bozworth received his comeuppance at the hands of "Bunkhouse" (Damien Legion of SC indies). No rating 

 (3) "The Outlaw" Randy Wayne & "Wild" Billy Buck surprised three other teams in an elimination match which ran 18:30. Other teams included "Soul Patrol" working twice, the Heart Killers" and Joey Rhymer/Luka Daniels. Dreamz & Johnson actually worked a PWU/Classic Pro event in Una, then drove to Taylors and worked twice more! Chris Valo and Tommy K'Jango comprise the "Heart Killers." Rhymer works for PWU, His Pro Wrestling, etc. The mass exodus of audience members originated before & during this match. At 6:33, "Heart Killers" were eliminated by Daniels/Rhymer. Buck saved his partner from certain elimination, a well-done "Rocket Launcher." Buck superkicked Daniels, and the young babyfaces were gone. That left "Soul Patrol" vs. Buck/Wayne. Dreamz missed a big senton off the top rope. Deon took the hot tag at 17:00 in but was pinned following another "Buckshot" (Wayne made the cover). Post-match: fans were still chanting for the deprived "Soul Patrol." Rating: 1 1/2 stars 

 INTERMISSION (Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell shilled for in-ring photos, meet and greets, etc.) 

 (4) Following an arm wrestling exhibition, Wes Brisco scored an impressive reverse decision over Matt Sigmon in a combined 11:40. Sigmon was challenged by Eastside High's strength coach Mr. Hoffman. Sigmon cheated to win, and even GM Bagwell asked for this decision to be reversed. Not happening, so Brisco (seconded by his father Gerald Brisco) took on Sigmon (accompanied by superb pitchman Dave Wills). Brisco's senton off the ring apron to the floor brought WWE Hall of Famer Gerald Brisco to his feet. Sigmon committed a rookie mistake and accepted a swinging neckbreaker for it. The elder(ly) Brisco kept moving around ringside with his chair. Ultimately, Wills took a bump, sending his eyeglasses flying! During the ringside melee, Sigmon hit Wes with brass knucks and was declared the winner at 11:26. Coach Hoffman came back out to stooge off Sigmon's heinous act. Match was restarted, and 14 seconds later Brisco fireman's carried Sigmon into a "Death Valley Driver." Post-match: Jerry's southpaw decked Willis, making last week's "Tipping Point"'s threats meaningless. Rating: 1 1/4 stars 

 (5) Mikal Judas punished replacement opponent Caprice Coleman, who subbed for monster Logan Creed, in 10:47. This was an Anarchy/Wildside rematch from several years ago. It is so refreshing to watch two veterans who "get it," even if the ring did break during their match. Coleman, who spends lots of time behind a microphone in ROH Wrestling, took Judas off his feet with a dropkick and arm-drag. Judas responded by choking "Ice" using the ring's apron. A flying leg lariat off the weakened turnbuckles and an ax kick both received two counts. Judas' chokeslam was countered by a cutter. In the end, it was Judas' "EL Crucifijo" which spelled the end of Coleman's night. Rating: 1 1/2 stars 

 (6) The teams of the "Koloff Dynasty" (minus Nikita) and Brian Pillman Jr./Crazzy Steve fought to a no contest after 12:51 of action. Prior to the two teams entering the ring, five or six guys tried to prop the ring up. More perplexing was why Hazelwood was still standing in the ring. Neal Koloff stayed in the ring for the entire first five minutes while Steve bit him frequently. At the 10 minute mark, a wise doubleteam maneuver grounded Pillman. Match broke down into a four-way around 12:30, and to make matters worse here came Buck and Wayne. The heels attacked the Crazzy Pillman team. For a moment, it looked like there would be a 4-on-2 advantage. However, the Koloffs turned on Buck/Wayne and sided with their (a few minutes earlier) foes. The face turn for Koloff I & II allows for an upcoming bout vs. the heelish "Powers of Pain" on 11/24 in Greer, SC. Rating: 1 star 

 (7) Tim Storm, a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, upended bruiserweight John Skyler in 11:03. No one seemed to know Storm or care. Storm took Skyler down with a dragon screw legwhip at the 5:00 point. Skyler's splendid springboard spear netted the "Southern Savior" a two ct. It was Storm's "Black Hole Slam" that finished Skyler. Even though he was happy that Clemson had lost, Skyler insulted fans all the way to the door. Rating: 3/4 of a star 

 NOTES: It was painful to watch Bagwell limp down to ringside 2-3 times. Having refereed multiple Bagwell matches, I cringed even more as two security types had to lift him up on the ring apron. The second of two automobile accidents has really done a number on my friend... "Sacrifice" was also deemed a fund-raiser for the Eastside HS wrestling squad.... Every effort was made by the promotion to advise fans of the non-appearances (Caprice instead of Scorpio, Steve instead of Garrison). Even Cowboy James Storm was contacted about appearing, but sometimes wrestlers ask to be flown in from several states away. When you're working with a set budget, that makes it harder for promotions to transport independent contractors to next destinations.... The Spinning Jenny in Greer, SC will serve as a future Television Taping locale on the night before Thanksgiving. Also announced were EC3 (currently quarantined) and Doc Gallows.



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states,1,universal,25,unleashed,1,Upcoming,10,ups,1,usa,2,uswo,19,vachon,2,valabama,1,valentine's day massacre,1,valley,14087,valley wrestling,1,vallley,1,van dam,1,van drisse,2,velvet jones,1,vendetta,1,vfw,2,vine compilation,1,vintage,2,virgil,1,vordell walker,2,vow,1,walmart,1,walters,1,war games,3,warner robins,1,washington,1,WATL,1,Wayne,1,wcw,1,werestling,1,wheeler,1,whiplash,1,why we wrestle,1,wilcott,1,wildfire,1,wildside,2,wiley,1,william huckaby,1,willpower,1,wills,1,winter wars,2,women,4,women of wrestling,2,world,4,world class,1,world junior champion,1,worst case scenario,1,WOW,10,wreslting,1,wrestilng,2,wresting,13,Wrestle Force,1,wrestle jam 3,1,wrestle jamm,1,wrestlecade,1,WrestleForce,6,WrestleMerica,3,wrestler,1,wrestler with one leg tied,1,wrestlers,1,wrestlilng,1,wrestlin,1,wrestling,17428,wrestling atlanta,1,wrestling Done,2,wrestling georgia,1,wrestling is art,1,wrestling.,2,wrestling. crossfie,1,wrestling. television,1,wwa4,1,wwe,7,wwf,1,WWN,1,xperience,6,yehi,3,young bucks,2,zack ryder,1,
Georgia Wrestling History: SuperStar Wars of Wrestling Report from Taylors SC on September 25
SuperStar Wars of Wrestling Report from Taylors SC on September 25
Georgia Wrestling History
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