Southern Fried Championship Wrestling Report from Monroe on August 15

Photos Courtesy of Andrews James From Larry Goodman: At “More Bang for Your Buck”, Southern Fried Championship Wrestling did what th...
Photos Courtesy of Andrews James
From Larry Goodman:

At “More Bang for Your Buck”, Southern Fried Championship Wrestling did what they do best – they  gave their fans a main event to remember, a match that will have them talking and bring them back for more. 

The main event of this show was one of the best wrestling brawls I’ve ever seen live. I don’t mean indy show best.  I’m saying best ever, bar none, flat out amazing.

AJ Steele, Vordell Walker, Jagged Edge and Shane Marx tore the house down. This was the work of professional level performers that would have made their living as wrestlers in the era of the territorial promotions.

The building looked like a tornado had come through when it was over. The win by Steele and Walker sets up the match the SFCW fan have been waiting for - former champion Steele challenging Jagged Edge for the SFCW Heavyweight Championship inside a steel cage on September 19.

In the semi-main, the tag titles changed hands when Beautiful Bald Besties regained the titles after Drew Adler turned on Logan Creed. The match worked despite the unfortunate distraction that occurred when a loyal SFCW fan named Mrs. Gracie passed out and was  taken to St. Mary’s Hospital in Athens.

The main events more than made up for a somewhat lackluster undercard that had its share of problems, which is nothing new for a SFCW show. The turnover in talent has resulted in some continuity problems, at least for the time being.

Attendance at Nowell Rec Center was 175-200.  

(1) Twisted (with Ace Heffner) pinned Dax Anthony at 4:12.  Twisted superkicked Anthony for a near fall, then did a second superkick that Anthony absorbed without going down. A missed cannonball turned the momentum in Anthony’s favor.  For the finish, Anthony went for a double jump something or other and ate yet another superkick from Twisted. What’s with all the superkicks? Anthony has a good look and appears to be well-trained. Not a bad heel either.

Dr. Joseph Brock III introduced his new client, Egghead lookalike Drew Blood. Blood whined about his pec – chopped and shredded to a lovely beet red by AJ Steele on the matinee show.

(2) Odinson defeated Drew Blood (with Joseph Brock) in 6:53. Blood shrieked like a woman and ran. Blood’s shoulder blocked bounced off the beast. Odinson leveled Blood with a Pounce and hit an exploder suplex.  Brock tried to pull Blood out of the ring to save him and got in a tug of war with Odinson, a hopeless cause if there ever was one. Blood capitalized when Odinson inadvertently rammed his knee into the turnbuckle.  Brock made the massive mistake of slapping Odinson’s face. Odinson fired up and pinned Blood with the tornado airplane spin called the F10.  It wasn’t the total devastation version as Odinson was (over)selling the knee.  Nobody is going to mistake Brock for Gary Hart as a deadly villain, but he is SFCW’s top manager and I get the point of putting him with a comedy jobber.

Pandora said she had been in the ring with the likes of ODB, Mickie Knuckles and Mickie James and challenged Kiera Hogan to bring her ass out there. Hogan marched her fine ass out there and said she it was her time to over SFCW, but there was a catch. 

I’m the girl on fire, and I do what I want, when I want.

As Hogan headed up the aisle, Pandora got back on the mic. 

Just what I thought, another punk ass bitch.

They went at it. Pandora had the upper hand until Hogan smoked her with a fisherman neckbreaker ala Tyson Kidd. Pandora sold it huge. Hogan said Pandora was dead and left her lying in the ring. I liked the choices here. They did a good job of setting up the feud and portraying Hogan as a serious threat, whereas a match might have overexposed Hogan right from the get go.

(3) Kameron Kade (with Brooklyn Page) defeated Juan Delgado (with General Tommy Allan Lee) in 10:11. The wolf whistles were out for Page, looking more scrumptious than ever. Juan carried a confederate flag to the ring and wiped his feet on it.  I was shocked that General Lee was OK with this. Little did I know that Lee’s foundation is supported by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Delgado endured the humiliation of Brooklyn’s double biceps pose that look more impressive than his pathetic pose. Delgado’s crotch took abuse and shrieking ensued. This would have been more entertaining if Blood hadn’t done a similar schtick earlier. Delgado alternated between working on Kade’s knee and stalking Brooklyn. The crowd got behind Kade. Delgado foiled Kade’s superplex, but missed a top rope leg drop, and Kade picked up the win with a powerbomb into a jackknife pin. An OK match. Kade is technically sound but lacking in the charisma department, so Delgado’s heelish buffoonery helped to a degree.

(4) Dark Mon pinned “The Solution” Rob Chicano with a choke slam at 9:00.  These two had a dangerous train wreck of match two weeks ago at AWE and were fortunate to come through it relatively unscathed.  They worked a much safer style here, and Chicano ironically ended up in the hospital after Dark Mon stomped his face, fracturing the right orbital bone.  The right side of Chicano’s face started to swell and turn purple and he didn’t know where he was, but he somehow managed to finish the match.  It wasn’t going well in any case. Chicano is an unnatural babyface and they totally failed to engage the crowd.

(5) Jacob Ashworth (with Dr. Joseph Brock III) and Brian Kane went to a 10 minute draw.  The story of the match was dissension between Brock and Ashworth. Ashworth wanted to win the match on his own merits. Brock was all about cheating. This was a solid, competitive match with both men working hard and looking good. Ashworth worked on Kane’s braced left shoulder.  Ashworth hit a divorce court that Kane sold huge. When Ashworth missed a top rope elbow, Kane made his comeback. Kane with a moonsault for two. Ashworth with a sidewalk slam and a full nelson slam for near falls. They went back and forth with pin attempts in the final minute. I liked the match. Too bad the finish was telegraphed by the time calls since they weren’t done for any of the other matches. 

Postmatch, Brock wanted Ashworth to clock Kane with his shoe. Ashworth threw the shoe down and walked off. 

Owner Charles Anschutz and Chris Nelms did mic work to set up Trinity (Nelms & Big Andy & Jamie Holmes & Tim Rice) vs. Team SFCW (Justin Legend & & Ashworth & Kane & ?) on September 19. If Trinity wins, Legend is out as commissioner, if Team SFCW wins, Trinity is gone from SFCW for good.

(6) Beautiful Bald Besties (Michael Stevens & Zac Edwards) defeated Drew Adler & Logan Creed (with Brooklyn Page) to win the SFCW Tag Team Championship in 15:26 .  This was billed as non-title match, however Stevens said that wasn’t happening since Besties never got their rematch.  Creed and Adler agreed to put the title on the line. Fun opening with Besties taking multiple body slams. Stevens is a bumping machine and put that skill on display to great effect.  Adler put the figure four on Edwards’ surgically repaired knee, but Stevens broke it up and the Besties got heat on him.  Edwards distracted Creed and he wasn’t there for the tag when Adler needed him.  Eventually, the tag was made. Creed cleaned house. The Besties nailed Creed with their signature double team finisher but Creed kicked out.  In the heat of battle, Creed inadvertently kicked Adler. Creed turned Stevens inside out with a short arm clothesline and looked to Adler, who stunned Creed with an enzuigiri.  Besties hit a combo move on Creed and he was pinned by Stevens. Good match and clear telling of the story. Adler’s performance stood out. He showed the heart and resiliency of a great babyface when fighting for the hot tag, and was a vicious asshole once he turned.

Postmatch – an enraged Adler laid out Creed with a pair of bicycle kicks. 

Commissioner Legend said this was potentially last night as commissioner so he was going to make it interesting by adding a no DQ stip to the main event.  SFCW Champion Jagged Edge gave Legend a ration of crap, calling him CM Punk and Justin Overstreet.  Legend added more stipulations – if Blacklist won, AJ Steele would get Jagged Edge in a steel cage on September 19. If Hard Times won, Blacklist would have to work for JE Enterprises. 

(7) Blacklist (AJ Steele & Vordell Walker) defeated Hard Times (Jagged Edge & Shane Marx with Joseph Brock & Dewitt Dawson) in a no DQ match.  Not sure how long they went because the bell never rang. 15 minutes I’m guessing.  15 frenzied minutes of unabated chaos, mayhem, and cruelty.  Music playing throughout ala New Jack...all over the building, into the concession area, on the stage…chairs, chains, tables, and a cigarette lighter all came into play.  Fans on their feet the entire time.  They didn’t have much choice because it wasn’t safe to sit down. It was stiff and realistic. It was also the work of skilled professionals, walloping the hell out of each other without inflicting serious injury – they left some marks for sure but no broken bones or concussions. Dawson took the worst of it. He got burned on the belly with his own cigarette lighter and had a really nice knot on his head. Only the finishing sequence took place in the ring. Steele kicked out of a great spear from Marx. Marx tried to come off the top and got caught with a powerslam.  Walker blindsided Marx with a missile dropkick propelling him into Steele’s waiting arms for the Steele City Bomb (black hole slam). 

Postmatch  - Steele said this thing with Jagged Edge was going back to where it started, inside a steel cage, 1 on1 for the title.  Steele said Walker would get the first title shot after he beat Jagged. Jagged said he was winning and coming for Walker in October.  



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states,1,universal,25,unleashed,1,Upcoming,15,ups,1,usa,2,uswo,19,vachon,2,valabama,1,valentine's day massacre,1,valley,14087,valley wrestling,1,vallley,1,van dam,1,van drisse,2,velvet jones,1,vendetta,1,vfw,2,vine compilation,1,vintage,2,virgil,1,vordell walker,2,vow,1,walmart,1,walters,1,war games,3,warner robins,1,washington,1,WATL,1,Wayne,1,wcw,1,werestling,1,wheeler,1,whiplash,1,why we wrestle,1,wilcott,1,wildfire,1,wildside,2,wiley,1,william huckaby,1,willpower,1,wills,1,winter wars,2,women,4,women of wrestling,2,world,4,world class,1,world junior champion,1,worst case scenario,1,WOW,10,wreslting,1,wrestilng,2,wresting,13,Wrestle Force,1,wrestle jam 3,1,wrestle jamm,1,wrestlecade,1,WrestleForce,6,WrestleMerica,3,wrestler,1,wrestler with one leg tied,1,wrestlers,1,wrestlilng,1,wrestlin,1,wrestling,17428,wrestling atlanta,1,wrestling Done,2,wrestling georgia,1,wrestling is art,1,wrestling.,2,wrestling. crossfie,1,wrestling. television,1,wwa4,1,wwe,7,wwf,1,WWN,1,xperience,6,yehi,3,young bucks,2,zack ryder,1,
Georgia Wrestling History: Southern Fried Championship Wrestling Report from Monroe on August 15
Southern Fried Championship Wrestling Report from Monroe on August 15
Georgia Wrestling History
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