From Rob Brodhecker: Action Wrestling from East Coweta High School to benefit the Coweta County wrestling programs Scott Hensley is ...
From Rob Brodhecker:
Action Wrestling from East Coweta High School to benefit the Coweta County wrestling programs
Scott Hensley is your ring announcer, Dylan Hales is on commentary with Super Nova as the timekeeper. Your referees are "Radar" Harold Martin and Darryl Hall. The rows of seats around the ring are full and the bleachers facing the hard camera are pretty much packed as well. 360 people was announced and $2000 was raised for the school. Speaking of the school, a wrestler got a pyshical detention from the principal for daring to interrupt his promo and insulting the crowd. The crowd dwindled towards the end of the show as the school's prom was the following night. The matches will be broadcast over on IndependentWrestling.TV this week, go and check it out.
6 man scramble: Shawn Dean, Mr. Brickster, Damyan Tangra, Kayvron Kanyon, Alan Angels (with O'Shay Edwards) and Matt "Sex" Sells
Angels pulls O'Shay into the path of a Dean over the top rope splash. Alan wins it with a wing snapper on Sells at the 5:30 mark. A good opening match with a tease that Sells might break his losing streak. B-
After the match, O'Shay confronts Angels and decks him. The crowd roars its approval. Jaden Newman comes in from behind and nails O'Shay with a springboard missile dropkick. This starts the next match.
O'Shay Edwards vs #1 Jaden Newman
Jaden is really taking the fight to O'Shay and settles in working over the left arm of Edwards. Jaden gets several close pins attempts on O'Shay. before O'Shay rallies back with one arm and moonsaults Jaden for the victory at 6:04. A solid B with a great showing by the ever-improving Jaden and in his last independent match before heading to ROH, O'Shay Edwards.
Michael Marshall vs AJ Gray in a Watts Rules match
Marshall was in control for most of the match but got impatient with Radar's counts and Gray turns him inside out with a lariat and pins Marshall at 7:53. The crowd was showering Marshall with boos and jeers all match long. B-.
Scott Hensley introduces ECHS Principal Steve Allen. He starts to talk but Alan Angels interrupt and starts to insult and tries to push Allen. Allen outweighs Angels by about 150 pounds so this isn't' going to end well for Angels. Allen chops then locks in a sleeper but Angels wriggles out of it and escapes the ring, running to the back. The kids popped big for Allen.
Bobby Flaco vs AR Fox
The pupil vs the teacher match up. This should be a super fast paced match with a lot of flippy stuff that Tank hates. The action is going into the bleachers and around the ring. Fox nails a Swanton but Bobby kicks out. Bobby hits a reverse Canadian Destroyer for a 2 count. Fox lands a driver on Flaco while both men were on the ring apron and Flaco barely makes the 10 count. Fox misses a kick in the corner and falls out of the ring and into a seat. They fight briefly outside of the ring and Flaco sets up and hits a dive and then a DDT for a 2 count. Flaco then hits a coup de gras for the pin at 19:11. Wow! loads of action with nary a wristlock or headlock in sight. B+. They shake hands afterward.
6 Man Tag Match: Team TAG (Kevin Blue, Chris Spectra, and Billy Buck) vs Cabana Man Dan, Dani Jordyn, and Matt Griffin
Jordyn is the surprise third member of Griffin's team. Griffin's been having problems with Team TAG since the promotion started just over a year ago and he's promised that Team TAG will get punched in the mouth. Dani punches Blue then Spectra in the mouth. She tags in Giffin and TAG bails. CMD's taking the brunt of the punishment from TAG. Hot Tag to Dani and she's suplexing everyone. Giffing tags in and dives from the top rope onto the members of Team TAG who were outside the ring. He got some serious air on that. Buck chopping Griffin down but he retaliates. TAG hits a combo on Griffing and he's down. Dani and CMD are hitting Blue and Spectra with the flip flops. Buck goes the superkick on Griffin but Griffin blocks it and rolls Buck up for the win. Time 12:20. TAG attack Griffin and are duct taping his wrists together. The locker room empties out and TAG has to bail before they can do anything else to Griffin. Griffin wants Billy Buck June 21st at the action show in Tyrone, Ga. I give the match a B-
Anthony Henry vs Fred Yehi
I'm expecting more of a ground-based, hold/counter hold match here even though both men can go high risk. Henry bails out of the ring after Yehi gets the better of an exchange. Yehi working over Henry's arm then switches to the leg. Henry tosses Yehi outside and Yehi is on the defensive. T-bone suplex by Yehi levels the field. Yehi Cesaro swings Henry around 5 times to the delight of the crowd. Henry rolls outside and Yehi follows, chopping Henry but Henry catches Yehi and posts him. Back in the ring, it's both men swapping pin attempts. A snap German suplex nets Henry a 2 count. Henry goes for a ground and pound but Yehi wraps him up for a submission but Henry gets out quickly. Yehi hits two snap powerbombs and pins Henry at 20:30. It almost looked like Henry got the shoulder up but the ref was on the other side and didn't see it. A-. I would have liked more heelish stuff from Henry as I've seen in other matches of his.
Action Wrestling title match: Champion AC Mack vs James Bandy
Scott takes off his jacket and rolls his shoulders around in preparation for holding the Action Title. Mack lays out what he's accomplished and who he's beaten in the year that he's been in Action Wrestling and launches into one of, if not the best, self-introductions in Georgia today. All Bandy to start with until Mack traps Bandy's legs in the ring apron. An elbow drop from the top rope almost gives Bandy the title. A powerbomb leads to Bandy pinning Mack but Mack's leg was under the bottom rope so the match continues. As Radar was explaining what had happened to Dylan and Scott, Mack hits Bandy with the title but Bandy kicks out at 2. Mack hits the running dropkick for another near fall but Bandy kicks out again. Mack goes for the Mack 10 but Bandy reverses it into a Boston Crab. Mack reaches the ropes and rolls to the outside. Both men on the ring apron, trading blows. Mack hits the Mack 10 on the ring apron and Bandy is out on the floor. Despite Mack's urging of Radar to count faster, Bandy makes it back into the ring. Mack sets up on the top rope, Bandy uses the middle rope as a springboard into a cutter, then does a middle rope frog splash for a 2 count. Bandy goes for another frog splash but Mack rolls out of the way. Mack hits the Mack 10 for the win at 14:50. And still Action Champion, barely, AC Mack. I give this match a B+, could have been a bit shorter in time.
Action Wrestling from East Coweta High School to benefit the Coweta County wrestling programs
Scott Hensley is your ring announcer, Dylan Hales is on commentary with Super Nova as the timekeeper. Your referees are "Radar" Harold Martin and Darryl Hall. The rows of seats around the ring are full and the bleachers facing the hard camera are pretty much packed as well. 360 people was announced and $2000 was raised for the school. Speaking of the school, a wrestler got a pyshical detention from the principal for daring to interrupt his promo and insulting the crowd. The crowd dwindled towards the end of the show as the school's prom was the following night. The matches will be broadcast over on IndependentWrestling.TV this week, go and check it out.
6 man scramble: Shawn Dean, Mr. Brickster, Damyan Tangra, Kayvron Kanyon, Alan Angels (with O'Shay Edwards) and Matt "Sex" Sells
Angels pulls O'Shay into the path of a Dean over the top rope splash. Alan wins it with a wing snapper on Sells at the 5:30 mark. A good opening match with a tease that Sells might break his losing streak. B-
After the match, O'Shay confronts Angels and decks him. The crowd roars its approval. Jaden Newman comes in from behind and nails O'Shay with a springboard missile dropkick. This starts the next match.
O'Shay Edwards vs #1 Jaden Newman
Jaden is really taking the fight to O'Shay and settles in working over the left arm of Edwards. Jaden gets several close pins attempts on O'Shay. before O'Shay rallies back with one arm and moonsaults Jaden for the victory at 6:04. A solid B with a great showing by the ever-improving Jaden and in his last independent match before heading to ROH, O'Shay Edwards.
Michael Marshall vs AJ Gray in a Watts Rules match
Marshall was in control for most of the match but got impatient with Radar's counts and Gray turns him inside out with a lariat and pins Marshall at 7:53. The crowd was showering Marshall with boos and jeers all match long. B-.
Scott Hensley introduces ECHS Principal Steve Allen. He starts to talk but Alan Angels interrupt and starts to insult and tries to push Allen. Allen outweighs Angels by about 150 pounds so this isn't' going to end well for Angels. Allen chops then locks in a sleeper but Angels wriggles out of it and escapes the ring, running to the back. The kids popped big for Allen.
Bobby Flaco vs AR Fox
The pupil vs the teacher match up. This should be a super fast paced match with a lot of flippy stuff that Tank hates. The action is going into the bleachers and around the ring. Fox nails a Swanton but Bobby kicks out. Bobby hits a reverse Canadian Destroyer for a 2 count. Fox lands a driver on Flaco while both men were on the ring apron and Flaco barely makes the 10 count. Fox misses a kick in the corner and falls out of the ring and into a seat. They fight briefly outside of the ring and Flaco sets up and hits a dive and then a DDT for a 2 count. Flaco then hits a coup de gras for the pin at 19:11. Wow! loads of action with nary a wristlock or headlock in sight. B+. They shake hands afterward.
6 Man Tag Match: Team TAG (Kevin Blue, Chris Spectra, and Billy Buck) vs Cabana Man Dan, Dani Jordyn, and Matt Griffin
Jordyn is the surprise third member of Griffin's team. Griffin's been having problems with Team TAG since the promotion started just over a year ago and he's promised that Team TAG will get punched in the mouth. Dani punches Blue then Spectra in the mouth. She tags in Giffin and TAG bails. CMD's taking the brunt of the punishment from TAG. Hot Tag to Dani and she's suplexing everyone. Giffing tags in and dives from the top rope onto the members of Team TAG who were outside the ring. He got some serious air on that. Buck chopping Griffin down but he retaliates. TAG hits a combo on Griffing and he's down. Dani and CMD are hitting Blue and Spectra with the flip flops. Buck goes the superkick on Griffin but Griffin blocks it and rolls Buck up for the win. Time 12:20. TAG attack Griffin and are duct taping his wrists together. The locker room empties out and TAG has to bail before they can do anything else to Griffin. Griffin wants Billy Buck June 21st at the action show in Tyrone, Ga. I give the match a B-
Anthony Henry vs Fred Yehi
I'm expecting more of a ground-based, hold/counter hold match here even though both men can go high risk. Henry bails out of the ring after Yehi gets the better of an exchange. Yehi working over Henry's arm then switches to the leg. Henry tosses Yehi outside and Yehi is on the defensive. T-bone suplex by Yehi levels the field. Yehi Cesaro swings Henry around 5 times to the delight of the crowd. Henry rolls outside and Yehi follows, chopping Henry but Henry catches Yehi and posts him. Back in the ring, it's both men swapping pin attempts. A snap German suplex nets Henry a 2 count. Henry goes for a ground and pound but Yehi wraps him up for a submission but Henry gets out quickly. Yehi hits two snap powerbombs and pins Henry at 20:30. It almost looked like Henry got the shoulder up but the ref was on the other side and didn't see it. A-. I would have liked more heelish stuff from Henry as I've seen in other matches of his.
Action Wrestling title match: Champion AC Mack vs James Bandy
Scott takes off his jacket and rolls his shoulders around in preparation for holding the Action Title. Mack lays out what he's accomplished and who he's beaten in the year that he's been in Action Wrestling and launches into one of, if not the best, self-introductions in Georgia today. All Bandy to start with until Mack traps Bandy's legs in the ring apron. An elbow drop from the top rope almost gives Bandy the title. A powerbomb leads to Bandy pinning Mack but Mack's leg was under the bottom rope so the match continues. As Radar was explaining what had happened to Dylan and Scott, Mack hits Bandy with the title but Bandy kicks out at 2. Mack hits the running dropkick for another near fall but Bandy kicks out again. Mack goes for the Mack 10 but Bandy reverses it into a Boston Crab. Mack reaches the ropes and rolls to the outside. Both men on the ring apron, trading blows. Mack hits the Mack 10 on the ring apron and Bandy is out on the floor. Despite Mack's urging of Radar to count faster, Bandy makes it back into the ring. Mack sets up on the top rope, Bandy uses the middle rope as a springboard into a cutter, then does a middle rope frog splash for a 2 count. Bandy goes for another frog splash but Mack rolls out of the way. Mack hits the Mack 10 for the win at 14:50. And still Action Champion, barely, AC Mack. I give this match a B+, could have been a bit shorter in time.