From Rob Brodhecker: GPCW presents Saturday Night Slams! , May 11, 2019 at the Villa Rica Elementary School in Villa Rica, Ga. T...
From Rob Brodhecker:
GPCW presents Saturday Night Slams!, May 11, 2019 at the Villa Rica Elementary School in Villa Rica, Ga.
There are 6 matches promoted, highlighted by the unsanctioned street fight between the GPCW champion Brad Lynch and Frank Mayhood. I counted 60 chairs surrounding the ring, and they are pretty full. I would say the bleachers have about another 100 people in them and more people are filing in.
Alan Wehunt is the ring announcer. Ryan Harmon will be the referee for all the matches. I put the overall grade of the show at a B-. Most of the matches are either setting up wrestlers beginning feuds or moving some feuds along to the big finish.
The ring announcer brings out GPCW owner Michael Jones. They pump the crowd and the Gym Class Heroes (Jimmy the Kid and Eric Mayne) come out and say that they are looking for the Carpenter and Bill the Butcher. The Carpenter is in the crowd with and says that it's just him because Bill isn't here. Mayne says that they will destroy Carpenter. Carpenter says let's make a deal and says that he will face Mayne one on one. Mayne agrees, and Jones says let's get it on!
Carpenter stalls the match by walking around the ring, chicken chants rain down on him. He teases going in but then steps down, jawing with the fans. Mayne finally has enough and chases Carp around the ring and then into it. Carp tries to escape, but Jimmy throws him back in. Carp uses his bat on Eric off of a distracted ref. Carp in control with a couple of near falls. Mayne with a comeback and goes for his finisher. Bill comes out through the crowd, and Jimmy cuts him off. Carp pins Eric at 4:26. The preverbial peer 6 brawl occurs, and the entire locker room empties out to separate the 4 men. This match was about building up Bill and Carpenter, and they did an excellent job of that, a good promo before the match and the brawl afterward. B.
Big Smash Chris Cox vs. Stanley Summerville
The crowd popped big for Summerville, and they love to give Cox grief. About 3:45 into the match, I believe Sean Clark's music plays and Cox turns to see if he is coming out. Summerville rolls up Cox at the 4-minute mark. Cox is furious and grabs a chair and sits in the ring saying that he's not moving until Clark comes out. Alan comes out and says that Clark is on his way out. Clark makes his way to the ring hand another match happens.
Big Smash Chris Cox vs. Sean Clark
Cox attacks right at the bell, but Clark dodges and gets a near fall. Cox goes on the offensive. These are not small men, the ring moves when they hit the turnbuckles. WOW! Clark gets Cox over with a German Suplex. Impressive. Cox brings a chair into the ring and nails Clark in the head with it. The ref calls for the bell, time: 5:12. Cox wants to do more damage, but the ref grabs the chair and runs out of the ring. Clark looks to be hurt, and it takes both security guys to take him to the back.
First intermission. The entire crowd looks to be about 180.
The GCH come back out, and Jimmy calls out Bill the Butcher for a match. Bill comes out through the crowd with Carpenter in tow.
Jimmy the Kid (with Eric Mayne) vs. Bill the Butcher (with the Carpenter)
Jimmy throws a dropkick at Bill as soon as Bill enters the ring but Bill soon counterattacks. This is your David/Goliath match for tonight. A hurricanrana from Jimmy sends Bill out of the ring, and everything breaks down from there. Mayne gets clobbered with Carpenter's bat, and Carpenter chokes Jimmy. Harmon throws out the match at 4:23. The GCH are laid out, and Carpenter cuts a promo on them. Bill and Carpenter leave through the front doors.
Randy Reno vs. Josh Storm (with Draco)
Pretty Boy Floyd attacks Josh from behind as Josh enters the ring, saying that Josh needs to have eyes in the back of his head. Security enters the rings and removes Floyd. Reno comes in and tries to cover Josh, but Josh kicks out. Reno keeps pressing the attack on Josh's leg but can't get a pin on him. Josh tries for a comeback but is hampered by his knee. Reno is frustrated by Harmon's notorious slow count. Josh is able to hit his finisher at 8:21 to pick up the victory. Prince Apollo comes out and attacks Josh. A guy dressed up in a sweatshirt and a mask enters and attacks Apollo. He takes off the hood, and it's Kaiden Knight. He's Josh's best friend and former rival who wrestled in the area around 5 years ago and now lives in Virginia. Josh wasn't expecting to see him, they hug it out in the ring.
Second intermission
Prince Apollo vs. Sean Nelson
Sean tosses a shirt into the crowd, and a fan seated ringside went ass end up trying to catch it. When I saw who it was, I had to laugh. A very nice back and forth throughout the match. Sean wins at 9:11. B-.
GPCW Champion Brad Lynch (with the Mercenary) vs. Frank Mayhood (with Tweety) in an unsanctioned street fight
Few wrestlers can generate such hatred from the crowd as Lynch can. Every time I see him come out ringside, some members of the group actually want to attack him. As this is a street fight, I'm expecting the fight to head into the crowd so I might have to abandon my seat. Lynch promises a rated R match and says to send the kids home, and the people with heart conditions need to leave as well. Frank and The Merc get into it, and Brad joins in. It's 2 on 1. I did have to move out of the way for a moment. Frank is bleeding, and Lynch is busted open. They finally get into the ring. Brad has a deeper cut. A chair gets introduced by Tweety and Frank nails Brad in the head but only gets a 2 count. Brad repays the favor a couple of minutes later. They fight out into the crowd again. Back in the ring, Brad sets the chair in between two turnbuckles. Frank reverse's Brad's attempt and Brad hits the chair, and Frank rolls Brad up for the win at 17:24. As this was a non-title match, Brad Lynch is still your GPCW champion. The Merc starts attacking Frank. GPCW owner Michael Jones enters the ring to try and stop the Merc, and the Merc attacks Jones. Sean Nelson and Josh Storm come to the rescue. They set up a championship match for June 8. The crowd starts a Family First chant.