Spinebuster Championship Wrestling Report from Valdosta on March 4

From Rob Brodhecker: I made the nearly 4 hour trip to Valdosta, Ga to check out a promotion that especially over the last 6 months o...
From Rob Brodhecker:

I made the nearly 4 hour trip to Valdosta, Ga to check out a promotion that especially over the last 6 months of 2019, burst out onto the Georgia social media wrestling scene, with aggressive and effective video shorts, sharing and re-sharing of posts and videos, and making themselves available for interviews on podcasts. Being the traveling fool that I am, I put plans in motion that would allow me to attend their March show to see what was happening in the very south of Georgia.

I'm sure someone would correct me with their own definition. Still, I'm using an imaginary line from Plains, Ga, to Savanah, Ga southward, to describe "South" Georgia. North to Griffin, Ga, I consider Middle Georgia, East Georgia is, of course, the Augusta area. West Georgia is Newnan upwards and west of the west perimeter up to Rome, Atlanta Metro area, North Georgia, and NorthEast Georgia.

I am defining this way for perspective, as I really haven't heard much of anything in the way of promotions on social media in the "South" Georgia area, and what little I did hear, wasn't really good. I would assume(and you know what they say about assumptions) that promotions running in that tend to promote in the "old school" way of papering the town in flyers and posters, and tons of word of mouth. I would love to hear more from them on how they do things, but I digress.

I told you that story to tell you this one, Spinebuster is the crown jewel of the South Georgia scene. I could get accused of hyperbole there or that putting lipstick on a pig won't change the fact that it's still a pig, and I get that. What I'm trying to say is that Spinebuster is a damn good show, and this is the critical part, they have the willingness, courage, and fortitude in making the necessary changes and adjustments to compete with some of the big boys in North Georgia if said big boys were to start running across town from them. They want more.

They run Mathis Auditorium on Wednesday nights and draw consistently around the 200 mark, the night I was there it was 198. Being right on the border of Georgia and Florida, they can bring in talent from both states to showcase different skills to their audience. The audience themselves were engaged for the whole show, even a "lull" during a match.

Let's get to it.

Johnny Maverick is your GM. Donnie Harris Jr. is the ring announcer. Duke Silver is the head referee with Mozzo as the second ref.

Shalandra Royal sings the National Anthem. Maverick addresses the crowd and says that Lexi Gomez is in Orlando to work at NXT. The Royalty (Prince Handsome, Hembra Kato with El Nino) come out thinking that Kato has the night off due to Lexi not being there. Maverick reminds them of what it says on the poster: Card subject to change. Kato will have a match later on, but Prince Handsome will have a match right now.

<<< Please note that I tend to abbreviate names for match decriptions>>>

Prince Handsome with  Hembra Kato and El Nino) vs. Brother Azreal

Not familiar with either of these men, but I've seen some promo stuff from the Royalty. Az hip tosses Prince out of the ring and follows. Az lays some thunderous chops in on Prince. Kato gets on the apron to cause a distraction. Kato and El Nino get some licks in while Prince distracts. Prince lands a handstand twisting senton, looked nice. Az fights, but another distraction by Nino almost gets the fall on Az. Az comes back with a hard-hitting twisting sidewalk slam for the win at 7:41. A good opener, the crowd was popping for Az, B-.

Katalina Perez (with Titan Champion David Ali) vs. Raegan Fire

Katalina delays the start of the match with Ali walking ringside, hurling insults at Fire, and the crowd. Fire out wrestling Katalina at the beginning of the match. Fire and Katalina are on the ring apron, Fire kicks Katalina back into the ring, and Ali trips up Fire while the ref is checking on Katalina. The action spills back out of the ring with both ladies trading blows and teasing the 10 counts. Fire tries to steal one with a small package; Katalina fires back. Back to trading blows in the middle of the ring. Excellent neck breaker by Fire gets a near fall. Katalina grounds and pounds for a bit on Fire. Fire fights back and lands a swinging DDT on Katalina, Ali makes the save by pulling the ref out of the ring. The ref ejects Ali. The crowd serenades him to the back. Fire sets up for a lariat, but Katalina moves and stuns Fire for the three count at 11:44. The crowd was not happy about that at all. Ali comes back out, and he escorts her to the back, B-

Alex Todd vs. Scorcher

Alex hails from Puerto Rico. Scorcher is from the Hawaiian Islands. They are affiliated with the ACW promotion in New Port Richey in Fl. Chain wrestling starts the match with holds and counters abound. The action speeds up and switches to strikes. Todd is getting the better of the exchange. Scorcher comes back with some hits and sends Todd out of the ring with a dropkick. Todd has the first cheap shot of the match with a kick to the gut and strikes about. Scorcher and Todd continue to fight back and forth, and the crowd is oohing and ahhing in the right spots. Scorcher picks up the win at 9:03. A solid B.

Harris brings out Hold My Beer Hanson. Harris directs everyone's attention to the monitor to show everyone what's going on with Hanson and Cassius Mack. Hanson's on the mic, and he reminds everyone of the history between him and Mack that goes back several years. Hanson says that Mack has tried everything to his family, including attacking Hanson in front of his mother and attacking his father. Hanson says that the next time anyone sees Mack, it will be the last time anyone sees Mack.

Hembra Kato (with El Nino) vs. Shalandra Royal

Royal gets a massive pop from the crowd. Kato stretches the time at the beginning of the match, dodging Royal's attempts of a tie-up. The third time, Royal is able to drop toe hold, Kato. Royal works the arm of Kato. Kato pulls Royal's hair to back up Royal to the corner to break the hold. Royal works over Kato some more. El Nino trips up Royal to give Kato the advantage. El Nino interferes while Kato distracts the ref. A bulldog by Kato nets a near fall. They fight in the middle of the ring, trading blows, Royal gets the better of the exchange. As Kato is in the corner and the ref checks on her, Royal runs to the corner for a handstand elbow, and Kato pulls the ref in front of her, and the ref goes down. El Nino comes in and gives Royal a codebreaker and pulls Kato on top of her. The ref slowly makes his way over, and Royal kicks out at the last second. El Nino's pissed, and he gets back up on the apron. Royal gets in his face. Kato tries to attack from behind, and Royal moves at the last second, Kato and El Nino collide. Royal follows up and pins Kato at 13:28. A very entertaining match, B+. If Royal sticks around in Georgia, she will challenge Dani Jordyn for Female of the year.

-- Intermission --

Spinebuster Tag Team Championship Match: Southern Strong Style (Jay 2Strong and Proc the Croc Johnson) vs. America's Most Hated (Preston Paradise and Hunter Mako)(c)

2Strong and Proc get some love from the crowd. AMH had injured 2Strong's shoulder several months ago, and he wants revenge. 2S rushes in and takes down Mako, Mako returns the favor. They trade moves and Mako tags out. Proc is in as well. Proc gator rolls Paradise. Double team suplex by 3S. 2S gator rolls Paradise as well. 2S and Paradise trade blows with the larger Paradise getting better of the exchange. Paradise working the leg of 2S. 3S get another double team on Paradise, this time for a near fall. Paradise dumps Proc out of the ring and Mako topes on 3S. Paradise teases a tope but just poses in the ring.

Proc is taking the heat now. AMH taking turns to chop the chest of Proc. Heel tag tactics by AMH. Paradise and 2S get into it in the opposite corner. Proc almost makes the hot tag but gets cut off. He rebounds and makes the tag. 2S takes down Mako and gets in the face of Paradise. 2S locks in the sharpshooter, but Paradise makes the save for Mako. Paradise tags in and spine busters 2S for a very near fall. A double team by AMH nets a near fall. 2S fighting back with several knees to the face of Mako, a GTS gets a near fall. 2S sets up in the corner, looking for a destroyer, but Mako fights out and lands a high knee of his own for a near fall. A 2S dropkick from nowhere leaves both men laying on the canvas. They trade blows, and then Paradise and Proc crash the ring. Mako uses 2S to knock Proc out of the ring and then 2S superkicks Paradise out of the ring. Mako and 2S face-off and 2S plants Mako with a double are DDT. 2S sets up and hits the Canadian Destroyer but doesn't cover, looks like he wants to inflict more pain. He calls Proc to come in to set up for a double team, but the Ref blocks Proc from coming in. Mako spears 2S and covers for the win while Paradise is holding Proc's leg to prevent him from breaking up the pinfall. 20:09. A solid B.

Main Event: Hayden Price vs. David Ali(c) for the Titian Championship

Ali has got to be one of the top heels currently in the state of Ga. Ali grabs the mic from Harris and addresses the crowd. Price responds and disses Ali. Ali punches Price, and Price hits back and sends Ali out of the ring. GM Maverick tells Ali that if any member of AMH interferes, he will strip Ali of the title.

Price comes out swinging, and Ali has to take a powder. Price follows, and Price drapes Ali over the barricade, and they are fighting out in the crowd. Price sends Ali into several seats, and he brings Ali back to the ring area. Price gets a near fall in the ring. Ali hotshots Price and lands a lariat from the top rope for one count. Ali throws Price out fo the ring, near the entrance ramp. Ali tries for a suplex on the ramp, but Price sends Ali down on the ramp. They continue to fight ringside. Ali sends Price into the barricade and wants the ref to count out Price. Price makes the 10 count. They fight on the ring apron and onto the floor. Ali tries a tope, but Price catches him and smashes Ali into the barricade,

Price on the attack and gets a near fall. Price sends Ali into the ropes, but Ali counters and locks in a submission. Price is fighting back and plants Ali onto the canvas. Price rolls down his knee protector and rushes at all. Ali dodges and plants Price with a massive DDT. Ali follows up with a flying elbow, but Price kicks out. Ali goes up again, but Price catches Ali in his arms. Price swings Ali around, and the legs of Ali knock the ref down. Price plants Ali and gets the visual count, but the ref is out. Price is calling for another ref, and out comes Shalandra Royal with a ref shirt. Price gets Ali up in a fireman's carry and Royal low blows Price. 14:35. Match gets thrown out. B+/A-, not sure who called for the match to be thrown out.

Harris asks Royal what was going on. Royal responds that she has a message for Valdosta and all of Georgia. She started as a ref in Spinebuster. She runs through of her appearances at AEW, and she's tired of being overlooked. She's been training night and day, but Spinebuster brought in Lexi, and she got the cheers. Royal is tired of doing things the right way and will be doing things her way from now own. She kisses Ali. Whoop! Cue mic drop. They walk out.

The next Spinebuster show is on April 8th.

Final Thoughts:

1. Shalandra Royal has proven that she can sing, she can wrestle, and now proven she can do an in-ring promo.

2. I liked how the Todd/Scorcher match started slow and picked up the pace throughout the match.

3. The red and black of the ring color scheme works. It's not distracting and focuses the attention on the action in the ring.

4. If there's going to be a best heel award category, David Ali is really stating his case.

5. Hold My Beer Hanson is rising to the Matt Sells level of "over." Needs to work at more promotions to get closer.

6. I might have to work away for the next time I travel either to or from Fla visiting family to coincide with a show.



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yung,1,sued,1,sugar,2,super 8,1,superheroes,1,superstars,2,superstars of wrestling,2,swa,1,swinger,1,tag team champions,1,tan,1,tank,1,tap,1,tap nelson tribute,1,taping,2,tate twins,1,tcw,8,team,1,ted allen,1,teddy long,3,television,313,television. tennessee,1,televsion,3,tennesee,2,tennesse,1,
Georgia Wrestling History: Spinebuster Championship Wrestling Report from Valdosta on March 4
Spinebuster Championship Wrestling Report from Valdosta on March 4
Georgia Wrestling History
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