ProSouth A New Chapter -- September 6

From Larry Goodman: "Sleazy C" Caeden Ooten became the new number one contender for the ProSouth Championship by winning the annua...

From Larry Goodman:

"Sleazy C" Caeden Ooten became the new number one contender for the ProSouth Championship by winning the annual Infinity Gauntlet. The former YouTube Champion and ProSouth Tag Team Champion is now gunning for Big Blue. 

Ooten appeared to walk out on  manager Harley Haven at the top of the show because she was getting buddy-buddy with Cameron Keast but it was all part of their diabolical plan. Harley stabbed Keast in the back during the gauntlet to help Ooten beat him.

In a promo filled with his signature blend of work, shoot and hyperbole, Ace Haven referenced his new position as the head of creative for New Level Championship Wrestling in Augusta. Ace also confirmed that Hell In the Cell had been the end of the line for Shean Christopher at ProSouth. Ace still loved him but Shean was done with the company.

Atonement (Ayden Andrews & Christian Pierce) are the new ProSouth Tag Team Champions. The title switch was a matter of when not if.

A takeaway from this episode was ProSouth need to hang out a help wanted sign if they've not done so already. They've got an abundance of titles and not enough challengers.  

Wicked Nemesis and Mathias Darkthorne kept themselves entertained at the commentation station. Joseph Void, Kevin Tubbs and newcomer Jeremy Blackson were the referees. Cory Shattles was the ring announcer. 

The episode opened with a comprehensive video recap of Uprising. 

New YouTube Champion Keast came to the ring accompanied by Harley. Keast was beaming as he called leaving the ProSouth Championship with the YouTube Championship one of the greatest moments of his life. Keast acknowledged the recent loss of a cousin he loved like a brother and noted that people in the locker room he regarded as friends were now gone. 

Therefore, Keast said he had to attempt to reconcile with Harley. They had a mentor/mentee relationship and a bond like an uncle to a niece. "I love you, kid...I'm just asking you to not act like what we had before didn't exist." 

Before Harley could respond, Ooten came to the ring. Ooten said seeing Keast and Harley back together again made him sick. He really trusted Harley and this was the plan? Cam gloating about the YouTube Championship was pathetic but he could have it because he was moving on to bigger and better things. Ooten said he was going to win the Infinity gauntlet and then the ProSouth Championship. Keast and Harley could do what they wanted. He was out. 

Harley told Keast everything was going according to plan. They hugged. 

Keast cut a great promo but I hated the direction of Harley and Keast reconciling so easily.  Little did we know,  things were going according to Harley's plan but not the way it appeared. She and Ooten were making a chump out of Keast. Darkthorne compared Harley to the Wicked Witch of the West Elphaba. 

(1) Brother Azriel defeated Julius Pryor to retain the All-Out Championship in 5:54. Pryor had Az off balance with his quickness and striking ability...until he tried pick the big man up. After weathering Az's onslaught, Pryor attacked the knee was able to break the champion down with pinpoint strikes. In the end, Az mowed Pryor down with series of lariats and pinned him with the Wood Grain. Pryor's head bounced like a pogo stick.

Just what it needed to be. Azriel is over big time as a babyface.and he's wrestling with great confidence.  A decisive win for the champion was in order but it was far from easy, This was the kind of loss that did no damage to Pryor. His offense against a larger opponent was believable and his selling was spot on. Azriel's Beell throws looked tremendous. Keep that. 

Az was presented with a new title belt after the match. The two belt era of this unified championship  (ProSouth All-Out and PeachState No Limits)  has thankfully come to an end.

Roma Miller entered the ring with his ProSouth tag title belt. No babys in the crowd in this week so Miller snatched up two full-size kids. Roma said he didn't know where partner Douglas Sanders was at. Paper champions couldn't be them. Sanders needed to be there so they could continue their historic 35-day title reign. 

I laughed out loud at Miller's historic 35 title day reign comment and laughed again when Pierce brought it up a minute later.

Enter Atonement. Pierce said since Roma was a fighting champion why not defend the title right now or are you a coward? Miller may be a lot of things but a coward is not one of them. 

(2) Atonement (Ayden Andrews & Christian Pierce) defeated Roma Miller to regain the ProSouth Tag Team Championship in 2:03. Miller was being annihilated but he launched a comeback from the blue and leveled Andrews with a short-arm clothesline. Enough was enough. Atonement beat him with a Stamp of Atonement/Gallows combo. 

It was what it was. I don't know if the title change happening on this show was planned or of necessity due to Douglas' illness but it was inevitable. 

'Manbearpig" Ryan Ansleman video promo for the Kumite Match with Brandon Whatley. Anselman said he missed Uprising because he was busy with his dojo business  and promised to be at the ProSouth Palace on September 13. He claimed not to know what a Kumite fight was and was scared to Google it. He advised Whatley to bring whatever means necessary to hurt him. Anselman said Whatley was never going to beat him and would leave in a body bag.

The commentators were amused by the idea of Manbearpig putting Whatley in a body bag. His promo shaded heelish. It feels like the window of opportunity to maximize the impact of blowing this feud off was missed.

(3) Jake Franklin defeated Alexander Lincoln in 8:01. Out of the gate, Franklin used his aerial attack to counter Lincoln's huge height and strength advantage and was as aggressive as all get out. Lincoln punished Jake with high-impact moves. Lincoln signaled he was going for secret big move but Franklin short-circuited it. Franklin hit the Movie Gallery (basement blockbuster). Lincoln applied a Texas Cloverleaf but Franklin made it to the ropes. Franklin reversed Lincoln's sky high powerbomb with a Famouser to score the pinfall. 

Franklin had a rough night. The spot where Lincoln had Franklin cradled like a small child and dropped him like a sack of potatoes was hilarious and brutal at the same time. Lincoln's gimmick of having a secret move that he's never able to execute is something different. But he's got to fill in the missing pieces, amplify his personality. Who is "The Alpha"?

Larry Remembers...a clip of Shean Christopher hanging Ace from the ceiling of the ProSouth Palace like a slab of meat. 

I disavow any knowledge of this segment or who did the voice over.

Ace and Amy Haven addressed their kingdom. Amy said they had lost almost everything over the the last six months and there was no better feeling than being reunited with son Trace (back in his front row spot) and she had a glimmer of hope they could reunited with Harley. 

Ace said the clip of him being hung from the ceiling would forever be bookended by him throwing Shean off that 20 foot cell to his demise. Ace said as he stood over Shean after Hell in the Cell, he told him it didn't have to be this way and he still loved him. If their war had continued, his old body could not have taken it much longer. He had to throw Shean off the cell and out of ProSouth itself. 

Looking to the future, he was taking things to the next level. He already ran Alabama but King of the South meant going wherever he wanted and doing whatever he wanted. Georgia had a few more months of enjoying status quo before he arrived and blew Georgia's doors in. But that was Georgia business and nobody cared about Georgia business not even Georgia people.

He was putting the pieces back together in ProSouth but one piece to the puzzle was missing, his best friend Cameron Keast. He would stop at nothing until he got his best friend back and the Chosen One were together again as a duo. The two people in the building Came could trust were standing in the ring. Cam needed to trust the process.

A fiery, newsworthy promo that struck a fine balance between work and shoot and kept Ace's dichotomous existence intact. Regarded as the Last Hero by some, an asshole by others but never uninteresting. 

(4) Caeden Ooten won the 11 person Infinity Gauntlet to become the number one contender to the ProSouth Championship.

- Julius Pryor pinned Jasper Reid with the Shaolin fists off the top rope in 2:08. 

-  Roma Miller pinned  Pryor in 1:55 with a variation of the Famouser. Miller was selling leg from Pierce tripping himin the tag title match.

- Ayden Andrews obliterated Roma with Stamp of Atonement in 13 seconds. 

- Andrews obliterated Jake Franklin in 52 seconds. Franklin took a buckle bomb except he never made contact with the top turnbuckle and took the bump off the middle turnbuckle instead. Scary. Andrews then pinned Franklin with Stamp of Atonement. 

- Tsunami pinned Andrews in 1:21. Roma clocked Andrews with the tag title belt when the ref wasn't looking and Tsunami pinned him with a swinging neckbreaker.

- Lincoln pinned Tsunami with a swinging side slam in 57 seconds. 

- Brother Azriel pinned Lincoln with the Wood Grain in 3:31 after Lincoln sneezed and was unable to execute "The Move". 

- Christian Pierce pinned Brother Azriel in 3:45. Pierce tossed his noose to Azriel to cause a distraction and pinned Az with The Gallows. 

- Cameron Keast pinned Pierce with Dramatic Irony at 4:13. 

- Ooten pinned Keast in 5:54. Keast gave Ooten Ace's Endgame finisher but Ooten kicked. As Ooten went for a Samoan drop, Harley grabbed his leg right in front of referee Tubbs. Keast decked Ooten with a rising knee strike and went up top for the frogsplash but Ooten kicked out. Harley blinded Keast with the green mist and Ooten pinned Cam with Loaded Gun Complex. 

I really liked how the story played out at the end. Ooten in the picture for big blue is a good thing. The opening segment was a great swerve, underscored by Amy's "glimmer of hope" comment. A resolution of Cam and Harley's conflict at this point would have sucked. The gauntlet exposed how thin the ProSouth roster is right now. The field was no better than 50/50 as far as people  I enjoy watching in the ring.  The bump Franklin took on the buckle bomb looked horrific. Pierce pinning Az places him in contention for the All-Out title.



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states,1,universal,25,unleashed,1,Upcoming,13,ups,1,usa,2,uswo,19,vachon,2,valabama,1,valentine's day massacre,1,valley,14087,valley wrestling,1,vallley,1,van dam,1,van drisse,2,velvet jones,1,vendetta,1,vfw,2,vine compilation,1,vintage,2,virgil,1,vordell walker,2,vow,1,walmart,1,walters,1,war games,3,warner robins,1,washington,1,WATL,1,Wayne,1,wcw,1,werestling,1,wheeler,1,whiplash,1,why we wrestle,1,wilcott,1,wildfire,1,wildside,2,wiley,1,william huckaby,1,willpower,1,wills,1,winter wars,2,women,4,women of wrestling,2,world,4,world class,1,world junior champion,1,worst case scenario,1,WOW,10,wreslting,1,wrestilng,2,wresting,13,Wrestle Force,1,wrestle jam 3,1,wrestle jamm,1,wrestlecade,1,WrestleForce,6,WrestleMerica,3,wrestler,1,wrestler with one leg tied,1,wrestlers,1,wrestlilng,1,wrestlin,1,wrestling,17428,wrestling atlanta,1,wrestling Done,2,wrestling georgia,1,wrestling is art,1,wrestling.,2,wrestling. crossfie,1,wrestling. television,1,wwa4,1,wwe,7,wwf,1,WWN,1,xperience,6,yehi,3,young bucks,2,zack ryder,1,
Georgia Wrestling History: ProSouth A New Chapter -- September 6
ProSouth A New Chapter -- September 6
Georgia Wrestling History
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