From Jabari McIntyre:
Oh My Gawd, back at it again! This is King T’Chaka Jones, coming to you after a bit of hiatus and what a time to come back. Yes, its after Black History Month (No DEI talk or else you can come see me about it at your next show), and you KNOW I had to come through with a bit of something. Missed you all, except Gary Lamb...Oh...He not around right now...For shame...Oh Well lol. ANYWAY. It is good to be back and I just have to Thank everyone who had checked on me to make sure all was good. I am well. I am refreshed. I am Moisturized. I drank my Water. I AM BACK!!! Ok, enough of all that, lets get to what yall are here for!
Atlanta Wrestling Entertainment, has been through a bit of a rebirth in the last year. From all the venue changes, changes in directions, NAME Change back to AWE; it seemed for a while that Murder 1 and Josh were floundering a bit to try to stay relevant. Once the name changed, a new venue secured (Hopefully for a long time to come) and an old school AEW approach to the roster, a stride has been hit. Show Of The Year 8 in December saw one of their biggest crowds in years only to be topped by their latest show...$hit Hits Different. A mix of Hip Hop and Wrestling IN Atlanta Proper this show had incredible energy from start to finish. 180 + Fans came out on a chilly Atlanta evening that was already bubbling with drama (See article by Larry G) and lets just say everything came to a head.
Before show starts: AWE Commentary team is introduced by Josh Wheeler. Carmen Michaels, Rob Weathers were joined by Emily Mae of
*Music Selections were all throughout the show and since I don’t know any of the Artist, I will have to give another report once I get the information on who they are. Outside of the Main Artist of the night Veto, I won’t speak on it much on the performances...
Chapter 1. Everyone Loves Posse.... The 3MP Posse (KC Rocker, Chris Delray, Matt Mercer) d. Xander Seabolt, Christian Taylor and Ashton Martin.
Xander Seabolt introduced his team and that seemed to last long than the match itself. The Posse were quick with the tags, quick with distractions and quick with the end. Around 4 min of what seemed like a Warm-Up for 3MP’s Crew. Xander, Christian and Ashton Martin never could pull anything solid together. An assisted Powerbomb to Martin for the 3 is pretty much the only thing you will remember about the match outside of 3MP being a loudmouth.
After Match: Emily Mae got a few words from 3MP who announced that his Posse will be in the Jimmy Rave Cup coming in a couple of weeks.
After Match Thoughts: Good Way to get things started and while it was quick, it got people’s attention with the set up for the ending. Cool deal.
Chapter 2. Dare Iz A DarkSide... Dark City Violence Connection (Murder One and JOE BLACK w. The KENWAY) d. The Lost Family (Austin Thorne and Krogan Scholz w. Alexander Lev) for the Unified Anarchy and Georgia Wrestling Crown Tag Team Championships
2nd Match in and we get a Championship Match. Lev leads out the Lost Family and proceeds to run down everyone. The “So Called Rappers” make him feel uncomfortable this...He is the One that...Standard trash talk until he declares that he will be in the Jimmy Rave Cup and after he wins, it will be renamed the Lev Cup. Welp, he IS the 2024 GHW Male Performer of the Year so I guess he can pop off anytime he likes. ANYWAY, DCVC finally come out and business picks up all the way. The crowd is HOT for Murder and JOE as 2 Finger Salutes shoot up as soon as they come through the curtain. Josh tells the crowd that since this is a Championship Match, they know what to do, and the crowd comes through big time. Krogan starts off with Murder and immediately roughs him up. Clothelines, hard strikes, nerve holds and Murder looks just lost. Austin Thorne gets a quick tag in and targets the arm of Murder. Murder is being picked apart little by little. Krogan is back in and gets back to making Murder feel the hurt. JOE BLACK is beside himself because he can’t do anything to help out. Krogan sets up for an Elbow Drop. Things are looking dire for Murder. Krogan goes for an Elbow Drop and MISSES!!! Murder makes his way over to his corner and finally gets to JOE BLACK!!! BLACK is in and Wrecking Shop. Wailing on Krogan!! Wailing on Thorne! BLACK gets the Big Man Krogan out the ring! Lev is on the outside checking on Krogan while Thorne is having a hell of a time with BLACK and Murder. BLACK hits a Falcon Arrow on Thorne and Thorne just SO happens to get his foot on the rope. BLACK keeps the pressure on and before he gets another pin attempt, Lev pulls the ref out of the ring. KENWAY can not take it anymore and goes on the attack to Lev! Things are really breaking down with Lev and KENWAY fighting hard on the outside. Krogan gets in the action on the outside and KENWAY UNMASKS HIM!! KROGAN IS THE WARDEN!!! On the Inside Austin Thorne is all by himself. DCVC smells blood and Thorne is the victim. An assisted Senton later and BLACK and Murder 1 are the new Unified Georgia Crown and Anarchy Tag Team Champions!! Veto and a couple of his friends come out and Celebrate with the new champs! Henny All Around!!!!
After Match Notes. WILD FROM START TO FINISH!! Goodness what in the world was going on. So many moving parts that it was kinda hard to keep up but you never really got LOST. This really set the tone for the rest of the show and I can’t wait to see what the next Chapter has in store for us with The Lost Family vs The Hierarchy. Lev and KENWAY’s mini story in this match gave this so many layers that it could be the start of Feud of The Year if they keep on. Also, give Murder and BLACK all their flowers because they force everyone to step up whenever they come in the ring.
Chapter 3. Happy time is over. Caleb Konley d. Sal Rinauro
This match was anything but typical as it involved Sal...with an S. So in honor of all the Shenanigans in the beginning, we gonna do this the only way we know how. QUICK NOTES TIME!!!!
*Caleb Konley...with a CK looking pretty dag on good and tries hard to get the crowd behind him. Only for 2 seconds of course.
*Sal...With an S comes out behind him and waves and skips.
*Sal with an S skips all the way around the ring and back to the back behind the curtain. What in the world is he...Never mind. Sal is back.
*Caleb with a C looks as confused as a lot of us as Sal escorts a bit of the crowd to general admission. What a swell guy.
*Sal does his sitting as he gets in. Never change Sal.
*Caleb wants to get his hands on Sal so bad but Sal is just too playful.
*Nice Wrist control and yanking of the arm by Sal.
*Yank Yank Yank Yank Yank by Sal and Caleb just cant catch a break.
*Caleb dumped out the ring and trying to catch his breath. Sal follows and falls right into the trap.
*Sal gets thrown back in and is getting worked out. The time for games seem to be over. No more Shenanigans!
*Caleb working back! Stretching out Sal! OUCH!
*Sal actually gets his bearings a bit and slaps Caleb. Damn that was a bad mistake. *Caleb is working that back and Sal doesn’t know how to act. Slow Motion.
*Sal somehow gets serious himself and pulls off a Blue Thunder Bomb. Did it work, nope! Only 2.
*619 by Sal but its not enough as Caleb catches him with an Uppercut.
*Caleb back to stretching.
*Sal tries one more comeback and almost gets it but Caleb gets foot on the rope.
*Caleb gets to distracting Ref. Sal falls for it and gets set up with knees to back.
*Caleb Konley with a CK Wins!
After Match Thoughts. Pure entertainment from start to finish with 2 Amazing Wrestlers. Always seek out a Sal or Caleb match when you can. You will never be disappointed.
Chapter 4. Taliaferro School’s the Serpent. DeSilva d. Brandon Whatley
Before the Match begins, we get an announcement from Josh Wheeler about the official date of the Jimmy Rave Cup (March 9th). Immediately after, Taliaferro appears and speaks. Telling us there is a “New Game” in town and even changes hats to a Houndstooth Hat. Brandon Whatley comes out and because of all the trouble between him and Taliferro, he challenges Taliaferro to a match. Taliaferro draws Whatley to the ring and before he gets attacked, Taliaferro’s newest 4 Star recruit, DeSilva hits the ring to attack Whatley. The ref rings the bell and DeSilva is all over Whatley. DeSilva rushes downhill and has Whatley retreating in the first half. Not gonna lie. DeSilva is coached into stretching Whatley and is just running up the score. Whatley digs deep to go to his quick strikes and kicks and looks like he will no avail (Noah Veil...Where is he?? Hmmm). DeSilva hits a big Belly to Belly Suplex for 2. Seems to wake up Whatley and make this an interesting 2nd Half, however this Hail Mary just isn’t enough. Taliaferro distracts the Ref and Whatley gets trapped by DeSilva. Whatley has no choice but to tap and there is no overtime in this Blowout. DeSilva Wins.
After Match Thoughts... I love watching Whatley work but man where did this DeSilva guy come from. I like I like!! Need to see more of him and see what he can really do!
Chapter 5. ROAR is BACK. Alexis Littlefoot d. Kelsey Raegan
So if you think this would be a bathroom break, you would be highly mistaken. These ladies came to work and man, everyone was into it. Littlefoot started off like she knew she was the new Leader of the Women here at AWE and Raegan was just an obstacle in her way. Raegan might have taken Littlefoot a little too lightly at first and found her self tied up a bit and had to immediately head outside to get a “Time Out”. The crowd lets her know there are no Time Out’s in AWE and Mos Def not in ROAR. Raegan gets back in and takes things a little more serious this time and chokes Littlefoot a bit (Damn is it getting hot in here...Hard to concentrate). Littlefoot gets out and hits Raegan hard in the chest. Raegan gets a bit slick lures Littlefoot in and ties her up in the ropes. Raegan turns it around in the second half of the match and actually has Littlefoot in all sorts of trouble. Littlefoot is a tough Lady though and fights hard to get Raegan off balance just a little bit. It finally works and both ladies are face to face. Hard Strikes and kicks and these ladies are will not stop trying to put a hurting to one another! Raegan eventually hits a rolling slam and only gets a 2 count. Littlefoot responds with a step up leg drop and it was enough to put Raegan away.
After Match Notes. Bast Dammit ROAR is really back and Littlefoot is the clear leader of the Division. Raegan, not to be outdone, really put on and gave Littlefoot all that she could handle. I hope we get more and more ROAR action after the Jimmy Rave Cup!!!
Chapter 6. Money... No Trouble. AJ FRANCI$ d. Big Trouble Ben Bishop w. 3MP
In the “Big Meaty, Tall Men” portion of the show, we see TNA’s AJ FRANCI$ get to put in work against a foe that is just a bit taller than him in Big Trouble Ben Bishop! *I would like to take a moment of your time to tell you that FRANCI$’ First Class Tag Partner KC Navarro is a YELLOW BELLY COWARD and wouldn’t DARE come back to Atl. Like I thought he was supposed to have his partner’s back in these type of matches smh. SHEESH!!!* ANYWAY, we get a rousing introduction from Josh Wheeler and we are underway. Both are not lacking at all in the strength department and Big Ben shows that he is the stronger of them...For only 2 seconds. Big Ben looks shocked that someone is just as strong as he is and has to retreat outside. Big Ben gets back into the ring and tries for a Test of Strength, to which FRANCI$ looks at him like, Nah Shawty. Clearly he has seen this a time or two. FRANCI$ finally caves and had Big Ben writhing in pain for a moment. Big Ben gets out of it and the match really begins. 2 Big Men run into each other with shoulder tackles and it doesn’t seem to work for either. Again, FRANCI$ outsmarts Big Ben and knocks him around. Big Ben gets a bit of his bearing together and goes for a big splash in the corner, however FRANCI$ isn’t there. FRANCI$ goes for a splash of his own and the crowd is getting more and more hype. FRANCI$ is setting up to put hurt on Big Ben when 3MP distracts him and Big Ben takes advantage. Big Ben doing Big thing and keeping FRANCI$ off balanced! Big Ben sets up and hits a huge suplex after a chokeslam attempt was blocked. FRANCI$ gets some of his bearings and fights back with a headbutt and a fluffy of punches and even a flip over the ropes when he hits a running knee...AND HE STICKS THE LANDING ON THE FLOOR!! Anyway, 3MP gets back to distracting FRANCI$ right after and Big Ben swoops in again. FRANCI$ isn’t down for long and gets in a Beautiful Fireman’s Carry Slam but for only 2. FRANCI$ finally puts Big Ben down for the 3 (Couldn’t see, crowd was a bit wild at the second). After the match, 3MP is on the ring apron and FRANCI$ has had enough and brings him in the hard way. 3MP gets chokeslammed from seemingly the top of the building, almost through the mat. Big Ben, gets a spear from FRANCI$ for his troubles too.
After Match Thoughts... 2 BIG, POWERFUL and ATHLETIC guys putting on a great show for the crowd. Every punch felt heavy...Every slam made you wince...Each Big Move felt GRAND. FRANCI$ looked amazing and confident in everything he did. He looked focused and moved like a Big Man should throughout the whole match. Even when he flipped over the rope and stuck the landing, it was a Big Man showing off and the whole crowd at it up! Big Ben Bishop was even Bigger in everything he did and mad FRANCI$ work hard. Kinda scary seeing him standing a bit above FRANCI$ and it worked wonder. I hope they can run it back really soon.
Chapter 7. ATL United. Carlie Bravo w. Capt Shawn Dean d. Shane Marx w. Matt Hankins
Oh Shit it is Main Event time. When I tell you this match felt BIG before it even started...Sheesh. The crowd was summoned to the mat by Wheeler and AWAY, WE, GO!! First out were Marx and Hankins to a hush from the crowd. I think we all know that anything we said to Hankins would be turned around on us quick so no one dared challenge him as he walked by. Bravo and The Capt were out next (Brought in by Veto). The crowd instantly responds with the BRA-VOOOO, BRA-VOOOO Chant that echoed through the building. Introductions are made and its on. Bravo and Marx are pretty much even in the beginning and feeling each other out. Move for Move and Hold for Hold. Wristlocks are countered, shoulder tackles all around...Both are looking sharp. Bravo gets a slight advantage first but Marx was ready to give him all that he could handle. Marx gets grimy and dirty and keeps Bravo on defense. Headlock here, quick strikes there, here a hold, there a kick...Bravo is grasping for a little bit of anything to get out of the way. Hankins is being Coach and Evil Genius on the outside and it even seemed to get into the head of the crowd. Carlie Fights back hard and his quickness is a lot for Marx to handle for a bit. Marx digs deep and gets back focused on grounding Bravo. Stretching him out and making Bravo feel much pain. I don’t think the crowd has ever seen Bravo beat down like this before. Marx is keeps picking apart at Bravo and all seems lost. Marx decides to end it all with a Fireman’s Carry attempt, however Bravo slips out, kicks Marx in the stomach and hits a beautiful Scissors Kick! Bravo with the quick cover and gets the 3! Woah that was nice!! Bravo celebrates with the crowd but not before giving Marx his hand to shake and raise as a sign of respect!! Everyone was celebrating when AJ FRANCI$ comes out and congratulates Bravo, but makes his intentions known that he will be going for the United Anarchy/Georgia Wrestling Crown Belt. After AFTER the match, Veto put on for the crowd with a performance and all his artists and friends stormed the ring for him. Wheeler has to get everyone out of the ring and Veto kept the crowd hot. OUTTA NOWHERE, LEV SLIPS IN THE RING AND HITS VETO WITH A CHAIR!!! Lev has to high tail it out the arena because the crowd was hot on his ass along with The KENWAY!! What a way to end the show.
After Match Notes... Good Lord that was a hell of a Main Event and me talking about it will not do it justice. PLEASE look it up for yourself on the AEW Twitch because this was a BANGER from Bell to Bell. Even the after match Shenanigans made everything that much hyped.!! Thats...That...Good...Shit!!
Final Thoughts... Show of the Year 8 Proved that AWE was back squarely as THE Promotion of Atlanta and Georgia. $hit Hits Different only built upon everything and gave them one of their biggest crowds in a long time and a very solid show that is redefining what a Hip Hop x Wrestling show should be. Cant wait for to see what the future brings. #ThatsThatGoodShit...