From Larry Goodman: This week -- a clash of champions in the main event, another upset win for OSWA and we got the story behind the mys...
This week -- a clash of champions in the main event, another upset win for OSWA and we got the story behind the mysterious rose incident on last week’s show.
(1) David Ali defeated the debuting Bobby Flaco in 6:10. Ali over with a powerdrive back suplex. Flaco is out of WWA4. Scrappy guy this Flaco and a solid work ethic but physically unimpressive. Ali gave him way too much offense for a guy that figures into the big picture at NCW.
Steve Martin was proud to have new NCW Heavyweight Champion Austin Theory in the house and made sure to mention Theory vs. Matt Riddle at Christmas Chaos Night 1.
Out came AC Mack, the straw that stirs the drink in Friday nights. He was confused by the hype for Theory when he had been Martin’s champion for 189 days. Why weren’t his t-shirts on sale? Martin said Theory put asses in seat and sold merch, so Mack had to get with the program and be a company man. Mack pressed Martin as to why Theory’s championship wasn’t on the line in the event match. Martin said Mack wasn’t being overlooked. NCW had business to attend to with Riddle.
Mack claimed unfair treatment. He was Martin’s company man and his rightful heavyweight champion except he had been deprived of every opportunity since Martin arrived. Steve said fair enough. Mack would get his heavyweight title shot if he could beat Theory in the main event.
Probably the best talk segment I’ve seen from NCW. They were cracking thunder. The interaction felt so natural and spontaneous. The issues had the ring of authenticity.
(2) O’Shay Edwards pinned Ashton Starr with a bridging german suplex in 5 minutes. A rematch from a few weeks ago when Starr lost due to distraction by the forgettable Ryan Rembrant. Edwards beat Starr clean here in a better match. Starr showed some early flashes of brilliance, but could not overcome the size and power of O’Shay. I liked Edwards’ choices of offensive maneuvers. There’s a vacancy that needs filling and Edwards might be that guy. Starr is in booking hell.
Hoax and Manson came to the ring without Mr. Skins. Hoax had no clue about Skins’ whereabouts. Quickie camera switch showing Skins tied up like he had been kidnapped. Martin and Triston acknowledged the apparent abduction on commentary. It was never mentioned it again. Seems like a situation that warrants fimmediate follow up.
(3) Ike Cross defeated Kenji Brea (with Bolo) in 6:25. A strong win for NCW’s Street Profit. His energy connects, and his ridiculous athletic ability makes it easy to overlook his greener moments. Cross speared Brea at the bell and within the first 30 seconds hit a great top rope splash, more impressive than his finisher. He also got insane height on a standing dropkick hope spot. Brea was taking shortcuts and being a real ass. He used Cross’ headband against him. Brea got a near fall with a flying crucifix pin. Cross reacted like he had never taken that bump in his life. Cross clocked Bolo before he could interfere and pinned Brea with a discus Superman punch.
(4) Will Kaution (with Keith Cage) defeated Alan Angels (with Tommy Maserati) in 8:50. Another upset for the upstarts from OSWA. This was a hard hitting match, more solid than the tag match last week. Somebody taught Kaution how to throw a good looking worked punch. Angels capitalized on Maserati’s interference. Angels got Cage all and bothered which set up Maserati’s slingshot spear behind the ref’s back. Misfits thought they had it in the bag after Angels’ frogsplash but Kaution kicked out. Maserati again tried to interfere. This time Cage handed Maserati his ass. Kaution slipped out of Angels standing Spanish fly and pinned him with a vertical suplex into a powerslam.
The Vile High Club hosted by Jaxon Vile returned with Matt Gilbert’s pregnant wife Katie as his guest. Vile called security guard Rodney out to explain the rose he gave to Katie last week. Matt came out to confront Rodney, who looked very uncomfortable with the whole thing. It was like pulling teeth. Story was Rodney received a rose with a note on it instructing him to give the rose to Katie. Matt thanked Rodney for finally speaking into the mic. Matt said he believed Rodney was just doing his job and they hugged it out. Katie swore she had no clue where the rose came from.
Brent Banner asked for minute with Matt and Katie. Banner said he was the “Natty Daddy” and all the women knew why. Banner admitted the rose was from him but he had no idea Katie belonged to Matt and he was there to apologize. Gilbert accepted but not without giving Banner a stern warning. Banner headed up the ramp then attacked Gilbert from behind. Katie stood by helplessly watching while Banner beat up her husband. Banner was whipping Gilbert with his belt until security intervened.
Straight out of Memphis. Parts of the segment were excruciating to watch. It was crude and unscripted and had a gut level appeal I loved. It did wonders for Banner, who had been a fairly vanilla musclehead without much dimension to his character. Now we know what Banner is about. Or do we? Matt was really over already and bringing his wife and unborn child into the mix was emotional manipulation to the utmost. Fans were hot at Banner by the time this was over.
(5) NCW Heavyweight Champion Austin Theory defeated NCW Junior Champion AC Mack in a non-title match at 13:14. This match flowed well without looking choreographed. These guys have excellent chemistry in the ring. Theory outwrestled Mack. Mack raked the eyes to take over with Theory selling big as he always seems to do. Match evolved into a see saw battle. Theory had Mack in trouble when Edwards showed up and got Theory’s face. Mack tried to blindside Theory with an enzuigiri and nailed Edwards instead. Theory hit the TKO on Mack and superkicked Edwards before covering Mack for the 1-2-3.
Ali made the save and Martin announced a tag match for next week – Theory & Ali vs. Mack & Ali. By the numbers stuff. Ali’s elevation to the main event has been a process. For Edwards, it’s a leap.