From Scott Hensley: I made a last minute decision to jump in the car from Chattanooga with former NWA Wildside cameraman David Pie...
From Scott Hensley:
I made a last minute decision to jump in the car from Chattanooga with former NWA Wildside cameraman David Pierce (PierceTapes on Youtube) and head to the historic Tennessee State Fairgrounds for the NWA 70th event. It was a good choice because everything ran smoothly for the live crowd and the action and reactions were top notch.
A right sized fanfest was held across the parking lot in another building, which freed up more space within the "asylum" for bleachers and seats. The Cody line was of course the biggest. I got a vintage Magnum TA poster book signed and snagged a Jay Bradley autograph for my 2009 PWI project. Dory Funk Jr, Blue Demon Jr, and James Ellsworth were some of the other notables at the fanfest. Bet you never thought you'd read a sentence with those three names.
Here's a tip if you ever decide to take notes on your phone... write in past tense so you don't have to go back and correct everything when you decide to post it!
Crowd had to be around 1,200+ people. It was the most packed I've ever seen it and that's including "sold out" TNA shows and some of the Crossfire shows that had 1,000.
Dark Match) James Ellsworth d. Karim Brigante w/ Miss Monica in 7:43.
Ellsworth was definitely the veteran here. Brigante was much larger and flaunted his Italian heritage. They went with somewhat slow paced basic stuff but crowd was into Ellsworth so it worked. Ellsworth slid to the outside and put his arm around Monica, which aggravated Brigante. Brigante took Ellsworth down in the ring and tried to set him up for some offense off the top but Ellsworth kept rolling away from his corner attacks. Brigante put the boots to Ellsworth, held up his Italian flag, and draped it over Ellsworth. Ellsworth rolled away with the flag. Brigante had had enough of the games but Ellsworth threw the flag at him, Brigante got rid of it and charged forward for a mouthful of an Ellsworth superkick. Ellsworth picked up the win via pinfall to kick off the night of action.
Kurt and Karen's daughter, Kyra Angle sang the National Anthem.
1) Samuel Shaw d. Colt Cabana, Scorpio Sky, and Sammy Guevara in 7:06 in an elimination match to advance in the National Heavyweight Championship tournament.
They started with a 4 way brawl and it spilled into some really fun high flying. Cabana hit an impressive lionsault onto two opponents. Guevara readied himself for a dive but the creepy Shaw got behind him and smelled his neck. Shaw got rid of Guevara and Cabana came in and smelled Shaw's neck for a little taste of his own medicine. Sky got plenty of "S.C.U." chants in reference to his So Cal Uncensored affiliation. He joined Cabana and Guevara in a 3 on 1 attack on Shaw. Guevara hit an absolutely insane shooting star off the top rope to the outside. One of Shaw's gloves was pulled off and a slapfest ensued, including referee Brian Hebner getting in on the action, which Shaw definitely did not appreciate. Cabana was eliminated by Shaw at the 5 minute mark. Guevara went CRAZY on everyone with some of the best high flying offense in professional wrestling but was hit with a Shining Wizard by Sky after a superkick from Shaw at about 7:03. Sky pinned Guevara. Shaw almost immediately killed Scorpio with a big running boot for the pin and win at 7:06 to advance. Shaw also has some of the most impressive fallaway slams I've ever seen. He's pretty beastly.
Blue Demon Jr was interviewed at ringside. He said he was proud to be the president of NWA Mexico and was asked who he "had" in the main event championship match but I don't think anyone could understand his response.
2) Barrett Brown d. Laredo Kid by pinfall in 9:58
This was really fun cruiserweight lucha action. They started with fast paced back and forth combat that built to them both hitting big dives. Brown worked over Kid in the ring and hit this CRAZY Reverse Destroyer DDT thing that spiked Kid. Kid didn't get all of a rana but did connect with one and send Brown to the floor. Laredo did a 450 to the floor from apron, which was impressive but prompted me to try to start a "Could not Should" chant. "Uno Mas!" chants were heard from the crowd after chops from Kid in the corner to Brown. Brown got on the shoulders of Kid and flipped backwards for a reverse rana for 2. Brown was back in control until Kid crotched him on the top rope and did a springboard cutter from the apron for 2. Laredo missed a super corkscrew that he still may be spinning from. Brown capitalized with a running knee for 3 at 9:58.
"Absolute" Ricky Starks interrupted Jim Cornette at the announcer desk and rudely introduced himself to the announcers and to the crowd.
Magnum TA did a great interview at ringside about how special the NWA was. Crowd was very receptive.
3) Willie Mack d. Mike Parrow, Ricky Starks and Jay Bradley in 7:37 in the 2nd elimination match to advance in the National Heavyweight Championship tournament to face Samuel Shaw.
Parrow and Bradley were the heavyweights here and they had a hoss battle to start it off. Parrow got the better of it and hit a sit out powerbomb for 2. Starks attacked and rolled up Parrow out of a chokeslam attempt for 3 at just 2:15. Wow. Willie Mack hit a Samoan drop and standing moonsault on Starks. Bradley came in and took control over both. Starks powerbombed Bradley out of the corner and Mack hit a splash off the top to eliminate the other big man at 6:18. Starks speared Mack for 2. Crowd was 100% pro Mack. Mack back bodydropped Starks and hit a killer stunner for the pin at 7:37.
Samuel Shaw came out and Bradley cheapshotted Mack from behind. James Ellsworth made the save but was scooped up by Bradley. Ellsworth slid off the back and posted Bradley, who went to the back as Ellsworth attended to Mack.
4) Tim Storm d. Peter Avalon w/ Nikko Marquez by pinfall in 5:18
Avalon told the crowd when he won he would make everyone kiss his foot. Storm threw out that if he beat Avalon then Avalon should kiss HIS foot. The overconfident Avalon agreed.
Avalon started with a flurry of punches but Storm withstood the attack and overpowered Avalon. There was a big release powerbomb by Storm for 2. Avalon pushed Marquez in front of him on the outside and posted Storm. Avalon hit a flying bodypress off the top onto Storm. Avalon brought a chair into the ring. The ref took it away but in the chaos Marquez grabbed Storm. Avalon charged but hit Marquez. Storm slung Avalon around for a Black hole slam to get the pin at 5:18.
Avalon tried to balk on kissing Storm's foot but was told he'd be fined $10,000 if he didn't kiss Storm's foot. Avalon volunteered Nikko, who did it but the ref told him it didn't count and so Avalon was forced to do it too. Short, sweet, and fun.
Earl Hebner out to ref. A few "You Screwed Bret!" chants but mostly just appreciation.
5) Jazz d. Penelope Ford by submission in 7:25 to retain the NWA Women's Championship
A lady never tells her age but I'll tell you that Jazz is 45 years young and not that I'm looking to fight any women but I definitely wouldn't challenge her. She's still in great shape and really brought the fight to the likable Ford. They started with some back and forth action but Ford got an early advantage with a handspring stunner off the ropes. Ford showcased more of her athleticism with a flip into a spear into the corner on Jazz. Ford hit a floor routine flipping back splash into Jazz and a pinning suplex for 2. Jazz used her strength to lift up Ford and slam her on her face, followed by a legdrop for 2. Jazz brutally hit Ford in the back of her head and neck. Ford regained some momentum after dodging a punch with a matrix backbend and roll up for 2. Ford pushed Jazz into the ropes and rolled backwards with her into a bridging pin for 2. Ford missed a moonsault and Jazz took over with a sitout driver on Ford. Hebner's arm got caught on Jazzs boot and Hebner wasn't sure if it was a kickout or if it was his error. Jazz wasted no time and grabbed a single leg crab on Ford and twisted to add a crossface for the tapout at 7:25.
Jim Cornette came to the ring to a big ovation. He introduced Jeff Jarrett, who talked about the National Heavyweight Championship and how it is a stepping stone for the Heavyweight title. Both talked about what it meant to them. Jeff introduced Magnum TA again and stated that he would present the title to the winner.
6) Willie Mack d. Samuel Shaw by pinfall in 10:01 to become the new NWA National Heavyweight Champion.
Mack attacked Shaw down the ramp as a repayment for Shaw's sneak attack earlier. Shaw regained control and kicked Mack in the back of the head. Shaw punished Mack with a hard buckle and wrenched his neck. Mack battled back but Shaw took him back down and went back to work. Mack powered back up from 2 arm drops after Shaw applied a nerve hold. Shaw caught Mack and hit one of his gigantic fall away slams. Shaw went back to the mat and applied a sleeper. Mack once again powered back up. Mack caught Shaw and hit an exploder suplex. Mack slammed Shaw around and landed a leg drop. Mack worked Shaw over with running attacks to the corner. Mack once again hit a Samoan drop and moonsault for 2. Shaw hit a sit out facebuster for 2. Shaw missed a Swanton. Mack hit a stunner for 2. Shaw hit a superkick out of nowhere for 2. Shaw tuned up the banjo one more time for another kick but Mack skirted it and hit a 2nd stunner for the win at 10:01. Really fun match and crowd loved them some Willie Mack, who has that nice blend of charisma, power, and athleticism.
7) Jax & Crimson w/ Animal d. Kingdom of Josephus: Shannon Moore and Crazzy Steve with Josephus, Holly Wood, and Josephus' spiritual advisor by pinfall in 4:32
The mind games were strong with this one. Josephus came out with two women that he introduced as his spiritual advisor and Holly Wood from GLOW. As he taunted the large opponents, his actual team of Shannon Moore and Crazzy Steve attacked from behind. The Big men overpowered the smaller men but Moore and Steve made a stand of their own and worked well together. Crimson hit a big sitout bomb and Jax Dane would later come in to scoop both men onto his shoulders and land an impressive Double Samoan drop. Animal knocked Josephus off the apron and the Kingdom countered a Doomsday for a brief advantage but Crimson and Dane finished them off with some fun power combos at 4:32.
Cornette hit the ring and invited Animal to make an announcement with him. They announced that the Crockett Cup was coming back in 2019. Animal said he wants to be there to award the winners and that he believes the War Kings should have a good chance if they'll listen to him.
Dory Funk Jr was introduced. He credited the fans with the resurgence and the excitement of the NWA. He said he'd been around the NWA since 1948 and introduced the crowd to his whip, "Whipper Snapper" that he cracked multiple times.
NWA owner Billy Corgan came ringside for the main event.
Before the match, they had all six former NWA champions in attendance to come to the ring(Storm, Dane, Cabana, Demon Jr, Funk Jr, and Jarrett). Cabana, Dane, and Storm would stay at ringside for the match.
8) Nick Aldis w/ Kamille d. "The American Nightmare" Cody w/ Brandi Rhodes with 2 falls to 1 to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship in 36:10
It was announced that it would be 2 out of 3 falls with 1 min in between falls. Kamille is the former Kamilla Kaine, a tall and athletic female that's been on WWE's radar recently. The two started with a lockup leading to a clean break in the corner by Cody. Cody did a cartwheel taunt to get in the head of Aldis, who immediately engaged and sent Cody flying down with a shoulder tackle. Cody rolled to the outside and found himself face to face with Kamille. Back in the ring Cody took Aldis down and scored a 2 count as he put his knees on the shoulders of Aldis, as they kept locked knuckles and Aldis tried to bridge up. Cody hit the patented drop down uppercut from the mat to Aldis for a nice reaction from the crowd. Cody ducked 2 clotheslines and slid out of the ring, where he hugged a fan. Aldis gained control back in the ring until Cody reversed a suplex and held it out for an impressive stall that got him another 2 count. Aldis got caught in the ropes and Cody pulled him out with a faceplant for 2. Aldis pulled Cody off of the 2nd rope and hit 2 German suplexes and a brainbuster for 2. Aldis pushed Cody out of the ring. They each laid into the other with chops. Aldis dropped Cody on apron, which some fans reminded everyone is "the hardest part of the ring!". Aldis skinned the cat into the ring and slide dropkicked Cody off the apron to the outside. There was a face off between the women on the outside. Aldis stomped Cody's hand from inside the ring. Aldis worked over Cody's back and tried an arrow leg submission into pin for 1. Aldis hit a running Kitchen sink knee to the gut of Cody as Cody tried to fight back. Aldis hit a diving forearm off the 2nd rope. Cody knocked Aldis down and hit a spinning sideslam for 2. Cody hit his springboard kick for 2 at 10:35. Cody stomped the knees and legs of Aldis but Aldis kicked Cody off from a figure 4 attempt. Cody went up top but Aldis pursued him and caught him for a Superplex, taking both men down. Cody locked on the figure 4. There were multiple nearfalls as Aldis battled in the lock. Aldis turned it eventually but Cody turned it back. Aldis got to the ropes to break it. Cody went for another kick off the ropes but Aldis countered into a sharpshooter at 14:02 for the first fall. Cody was up and ready to go for the 2nd fall as Aldis took the minute in between to rest. Aldis went to the outside as soon as the minute was up. Cody dove to the outside ramp and wiped out Aldis and made the three former champions scatter. The two competitors brawled on the outside. Cody pulled Aldis down on the apron after a punt kick attempt. Cody threw Aldis into the crowd and started a lap around the ring to dive onto him but Kamille got in front of him and stopped him. They battled through the crowd, throwing each other into walls, using a trashcan, battling into the concession stand, and into the bleachers. Aldis slammed Cody on the ramp. Aldis shoved Cabana. Cody posted Aldis and went for a chair that he did eventually drop at the referee's pleading. He instead got a table. Tim Storm pleaded for Cody not to use table. Cody knocked Storm down off the apron. Aldis DDT'd Cody for 2 and set up to take Cody through the table. Brandi blocked Aldis from putting Cody through table and Kamille stepped in. Aldis pushed Cody into Brandi and hit a powerslam. Aldis got the table and set it up on the outside with Cody on it. Aldis missed from the top rope to the floor and went through the table. Mercy. "NWA" chants. "Lets Go Cody" chants. crossrhodes by Cody at 26:33 for the 2nd fall to make it 1-1. The 3rd fall began with a superkick by Cody and a crossrhodes attempt that was countered by Aldis. Rhodes missed a moonsault. The two slugged it out and Cody capped it off with a big Dusty elbow. They hit a double clothesline at 29:00. Kamille pulled Brandi out of the ring as Brandi was trying to revive Cody. Brandi jumped on the back of Kamille. Refs pulled her off. Kamille acted like it didn't phase her but she ran all the way around the ring and tried to tackle Brandi but ended up taking out one of the King referee brothers. The referee in the ring had seen enough of the shenanigans on the outside and threw everyone out. Crossrhodes by Aldis for 2! Roll up by Cody for 2. Rhodes with a Texas cloverleaf. Aldis made it to the ropes. Ropes. DDT by Cody for 2. Tombstone by Aldis and an elbow off the top for 2. Cody caugh Aldis with a boot as Aldis tried to come off the top. Cody rolled out Aldis and hit him with a big clothesline for 2. They went back to the slugfest. Big line from Aldis. Super kick from Cody. Aldis grabbed Cody's foot and pulled off his boot. Cody tried to roll Aldis up but Aldis reversed and got the 3 at 36:50.
What a ride! If you read all the way through then I hope you enjoyed it even a smidgeon as much I did being there live. I thought everything was mapped out really well as far as matches being different enough and keeping the gimmicky stuff short and to the point while mixing in legends, current stars, and future stars.
Thanks for reading.