From Myron Fancher: Southern Fried really brought the heat at Inevitable. Start to finish this show flowed well and was all about bu...
From Myron Fancher:
Southern Fried really brought the heat at Inevitable. Start to finish this show flowed well and was all about building heat. With 2 shows left before Crossroads, they succeeded in setting up a lot of story and character. I put the attendance at 290.
The show opened with a Harley Race tribute and 10 bell salute.
Sal Rinauro (with Michael Stevens) vs. Ashton Starr 5:30
Rinauro enters the ring and sits down and rocks. He’s really working his gimmick. The match starts and the crowd reacts positively when Ashton gets in some offense. This was a really athletic match with some great spots. Sal gets in some offense and then goes back to sitting and rocking. Ashton got two near falls, but an interference from Stevens cost him the match.
Sal stays in the ring rocking and is joined by Stevens. Rinauro starts a promo that draws a lot of boos from the crowd. He calls out Bill Behrens and Master and Machine for getting opportunities he and Stevens deserve. Bill comes to the ring and Sal starts demanding “our shot”. Stevens attacks Behrens and Rinauro joins in. Todd Sexton and David Manders come out for the save. Todd agrees to give them a title shot, but in a 4 way tag match between them, JBE, GB1C, and Master and Machine.
2. Lizzy Blair vs. Peyton Blair 6:28
This was my first time seeing the Blair sisters. They started a pretty decent match with lots of lockups and counters. I honestly do not know anything about them or who was face or heel, but I enjoyed the early match. As the match continued it seemed to lose it’s crispness and start getting shaky. They were interrupted by Dr. Brock before they were able to save it. Brock started insulting them and that led to them joining forces and shoving him down. This brought out Brian Kane and Tetchi Makuji to save him. Logan Creed follows and motions for the other members of JBE to leave the ring. Creed then proceeds to chokeslam both women. He gets a mic and starts cutting another effective promo on the fans explaining his turn. Logan calls the fans unappreciative and says they’ve done nothing for him. The crowd is white hot and have fully gone against him. He then threatens to chokeslam a woman in the crowd who is yelling at him.
Now David Ali comes out. He says BOLO didn’t show up for his match and he’s the Heavyweight Killer and JBE needs him. He gets in the ring and he and Logan start talking, but by this time the crowd is so loud that I can’t hear it all. Ali has succeeded in making himself hated in Monroe. (Overall he’s really having a great year and has impressed me with his heel work and the way he embraces it.) The crowd pops as Brooklyn Creed comes out and confronts Logan. She begs him to leave JBE and he counters by telling her that his career did better when she was out and tells her to go home. JBE leaves a heartbroken Brooklyn in the ring when they exit. The crowd reacted with rage over all this, with a woman near my seat continuing to get up, pace and yell.(Monroe is such a wonderful place for kayfabe)
3. Kenji Brea (with Adrian Hawkins and Rob Adonis) vs. Josey Quinn 9:27
Following the previous heat would have to be tough, but the Approved are hated in Monroe. Quinn receives a very positive reaction from the crowd and looks to be in phenomenal shape. The Approved tease interfering in the match throughout the start. Brea tries to escape to the back after some action, but Quinn pursues and drives him back to the ring.Fighting off interference from the Approved, Quinn gets 2 powerslams on Brea. Kenji gets several superkicks in, but Quinn manages to get the pinfall. The Approve attack and put a beatdown on Josey. When they leave and he gets to his feet, Quinn gets another positive reaction from the fans.
4. Mikal Judas vs. Adrain Hawkins (with the Approved) 9:31
The entrance of the Approved signals an end to intermission. The fans hate Hawkins and chant “Adriana”. His gimmick of wearing a suit to the ring and slowly disrobing to his ring gear always garners a lot of boos. Judas comes out to a great pop from the crowd, his babyface turn is over in Monroe. The Approved try to keep him out of the ring, but he runs them out. Hawkins brandishes a chair, but Judas pursues them around the ring, throwing in chairs, making sure all of the Approved get a chair. He then lays on his back in the center of the ring to bait them in. Hawkins gets in, but does his thing where he keeps getting out of the ring, which riles the crowd up more. Judas chases Adrian out of the ring, around the whole building and back into the ring on the other side. They get some good ring work in and Judas gets Hawkins up for a crucifix powerbomb. Somehow in the process, the ref is knocked out, so he doesn’t see Brea slip in and stop Judas with a shot to the groin. Judas manages to fight all three, but they get the best of him. (Adonis seems to be fitting in well with the group) Brea revives referee Triston Michaels who is dazed and finds Hawkins pinning Judas and counts the pinfall. The Approved celebrate in the ring and continue to beat on Judas. The crowd cheers loudly as Josey Quinn hits the ring with a chair and runs the Approved off. Confused as he regains his feet, Judas gets Quinn up for a chokeslam. The crowd screams “NOOOOOOO”, he realizes his error, lets Quinn down and they shake hands.That’s a hint at a future partnership that could dominate Georgia wrestling.
5. 8 man tag :JBE, Kane, Creed, Makuji with Dr. Brock, joined by Ali vs. Ashworth, Stryknyn, Kaution and Ramon
Every member of the JBE team got a lot of boos on their entrances. Creed has become a very hated man. On the other side it would be hard to find a group of babyfaces more over than this and the crowd went wild during all of their entrances. This is what all of the fans want to see and they are into every second. The teams faceoff in the center of the ring and Ali sets the tone by getting in the faces of all the opponents and wants to start the match. He winds up in a stare down with Ashworth that starts the match. Ali gets worked over by all of the faces who tag in and out quickly to all get their attacks in. The crowd is loving seeing Ali getting his comeuppance. Brawls ensue, but order is restored by referee David Weakley. The match is flowing well with lots of tags, but 7 minutes in Creed hasn’t been in yet. When he tags in he hits Kaution with a big boot that looked to have dislodged his head. Apparently his boots were tied tight because I was amazed he was still in them.Even with new members JBE is running like a well oiled machine. Flawless tags keep Kaution in bad situations and when the hint of the hot tag appears the place went nuts. Stryknyn gets the tag and the faces get the momentum. Another brawl breaks out and results in Creed surrounded in the ring and JBE left outside. Tension builds as Logan looks at the four around him. JBE manage to grab all of them but Ashworth and drag them out of the ring. The two begin to battle and Creed manages to hit a finisher on Ashworth. But before he can cover him, Ramon tackles him out of the ring. Ali sneaks in and pins Ashworth for the win.
Logan and Jacob wind up in the ring together again with Creed holding a chair. Brooklyn Creed runs out again and tries to take the chair away from Logan. He pushes her down and looks to be about to use the chair on her when Ashworth gets it away from him and clears the ring. Brooklyn then hugs Ashworth which enrages Logan outside the ring and he has to be held back. The heels leave and as Ashworth turns to leave Brooklyn hangs on him pleading.
The crowd was hot all night, Southern Fried evokes powerful feelings in their crowd. I enjoyed the whole show. With some important talent absent for SCI they put on a show that drew heat with every match. They return to the Boy and /Girls Club in Monroe on August 17.