From Rob Brodhecker: "The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." This quote from Mark Twain has been bandie...
From Rob Brodhecker:
"The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." This quote from Mark Twain has been bandied about for years, sometimes used correctly and sometimes not. Let's face it, both personally for David Manders and Todd Sexton, and professionally for Southern Fried as a whole; it has not been the best of times. (Thank you, Charles Dickens.) This show will go a long way in the continuance of SF's product. I think they will come through everything okay.
This will be an abbreviated report, with some highlights tossed in. I arrived right before the show started. Crowd count was 200+, from multiple people.
The ring announcer tries to introduce the first match, but Logan and Brooklyn Creed interrupts. Logan demands that the SFCW Belt be brought to him. Todd Sexton comes out and basically refuses and leaves. Creed says that he's not going anywhere, and Josey Quinn comes out with a chair, and that induces the Creeds to vacate the ring and ringside area.
The Palehorse Josey Quinn vs. Sal Rinauro
The craziness of Sal is on full display in the early going. Quinn is fighting through Sal's shenanigans for the most part until Sal tricks him. Quinn wins off his finisher at 9:24. The crowd is firmly behind Quinn. B-.
David Ali and CT Keys vs. Zander Ramon and Mystery Partner
Ali's on the mic. The sound system has improved but still needs some more work. Depending on where you sit, everything sounds great, I wasn't in that spot. The mystery partner is Will Kaution. A good pop from the crowd for that. Ali throws his hat at Ramon, who wipes his butt with it. This is my first time seeing CT in action. Standard formula tag team action, why change what works? The ending saw Ali roll through a Kaution cross body for the pin at 13:24. A solid B from me.
The Heathens storm the ring and lay waste to Kaution and Ramon with a chair. Logan warns off Ramon from uttering his name again. A few more chair shots and Logan leaves. Brooklyn welcomes the crowd to the extinction of SFCW.
Tetchi Makuji vs. Billy Buck
No Dr. Brock tonight, it seems. Tetchi attacks before the bell. Buck is shucking and diving to avoid Tetchi's attacks. Buck fights out of a camel clutch. Buck is trying some haymakers to stagger Tetchi. A dropkick to the midsection sends Tetchi to the canvas. Billy tunes up the band for the superkick but Tetchi catches it and and locks in his neck pinch for the win at 6:05. B-.
Brooklyn comes back out with a chair and Tetchi deliver more punishment to Buck. Quinn comes racing to the ring with a chair and sends Tetchi and Brooklyn away. The crowd gives Buck some applause for his efforts.
GB1C (Josh Wolverton and Tyler Rivera) vs. Master and Machine (Marcus Kross and Griff Garrison) to determine who will face Tetchi Makuji and Brian Kane for the SFCW Tag Titles
Rivera has taped ribs. Two babyface team squaring off. M&M is controlling the early going with double teams. GB1C is now putting heat on Kross. A good match gets interrupted by Logan Creed, who attacks everyone, causing the match to be thrown out. Time: 6:29. B- for the match that they had. I didn't hear what they would be doing in regards to the title shot.
Creed and Griff face-off with Griff asking Logan to pick on someone his own size.
Griff Garrison vs. Logan Creed
Griff spears Logan and is just going to town on him to the delight of the crowd. Creed reverses a whip and plants a kick to the face of Griff, sending him out of the ring and into the ring barricade. Outside of the ring, Logan is using everything ringside to beat on Griff. Back in the ring, Griff rolls through Scorched Earth and gets a two count. He tries for a cross body but gets caught for a near fall. Griff spears Logan again, and again. Brooklyn comes out with a chair. Griff goes for a third spear, but Logan catches him with an elbow. Faceplant by Creed. Superplex attempt by Creed, but Griff slips underneath and goes for his finisher. Brook comes in and delivers a low blow for the DQ at 6:43. B-
Creed continues the attack, and Marcus Cross comes back out for a few seconds of offense until Creed levels Cross. Creed wraps a chair around the neck of Cross, but Griff comes in before Creed can do anything, and then Griff clotheslines Creed out of the ring. Brooklyn is able to get Creed to the back while the crowd pops for M&M.
Ring announcer brings out Adrian Hawkins, who wants to speak. "Adriana," chants greet him as he strolls around the ring. On the mic, he mentions wanting the title, but he really wants Corey Hollis, after Hollis helped Mikal Judas at Crossroads.
30 minute Iron Man match for the SFCW Classic Championship: AC Mack vs. Alan Angels (c)
AC grabs the mic and does his intro. AC taps at 5:33 to an ankle lock. AC stalls getting back into the ring. The action spills into the barricades. Alan goes for a superkick, but AC ducks, and the kick hits a security guy. AC hits Alan with a chair while everyone is checking on the security guy. AC does some more damage with the chair. AC is content with the ref counting out Alan at 9:25. Alan barely beats another 10 count, but AC hits the Mack Ten at 10:33 to go up 2-1. Mack is on the mic mouthing off. He's jawing at the recovering Alan. Mack brings the mic into the ring and lords over Alan until Alan smacks AC in the face. They trade some blows, and Mack sets up for the mack 10, but Alan back body drops him out of the ring. Alan gets a near fall off of a spinning heel kick and goes for the wing snapper, but AC rolls out of the ring. Alan pursues AC around the building and back into the ring, and Alan wing snaps AC at 16:40 to tie things up. Alan goes up top, but Mack moves out of the way. A flurry of kicks and strikes leaves both men lying in the middle of the ring. Alan gets AC in a modified crab, but AC kicks him off. AC catches Alan on the rebound with a pedigree but takes too long to make the cover. AC sets up for the Mack 10, Alan reverses, sets up for the snapper, AC reverses and lands a wing snapper of his own but can only get a two count. AC calling for a knee but misses. Alan Mack 10's AC, but AC kicks out. AC is out of the ring, and Alan is diving on him. AC lands the double knees for a near fall. They are both on the top rope, AC wants a superplex to the floor, Alan fights out of that. Alan hits a frog splash, but AC kicks out. Another frog splash, and a third, but AC still kicks out! Alan goes up, and frog splashes AC's Leg and locks in that modified crab, but time is running out. Mack taps out just before time expired. Alan Angels is still your Classics Champ, winning 3-2. A damn good match. B+.
Alan offers his hand, but before AC could do anything, Logan comes back out, and chokes slams Alan from behind. Creed wants the mic. He wants a decision from David Manders and Todd Sexton. Sexton comes out with the title, teasing presenting the title to Creed. Ali and Keys come out. Ali's on the mic, and he gets in the ring. Ali jaws, while Keys is standing between Ali and Creed. Mack gets on a mic, and he presents his case to being champion. Todd states that anyone can be a champion. M&M, Quinn, Ramon, Kaution all come out. Alan gives Creed a knee to the face, and the heels bail out of the ring, leaving Creed to take some shots from the faces, and he rolls out of the ring. The faces stand tall as Logan leaves the ring area. Sexton thanks everyone for coming out after a rough week. There will be a tournament at the Thanksgiving show to determine the new SFCW Champion.