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Photos by John Johnson |
From Larry Goodman:
Southern Fried followed up on their triumphant return to the Georgia wrestling scene two weeks ago with another banger of a show. High Stakes it was called. High Stakes indeed and Southern Fried knocked it out of the park again with another show that built to insanely hot conclusion.
The event was moved to the Felker Gym due to a BB gun tournament at Nowell Rec. Truth. Of all the buildings Southern Fried has run, I like the ambience of Felker the best. If only it didn't have the same awful acoustics as the Boys and Girls Club.
Attendance was at COVID guideline maximum of 250 and just as hot as two weeks ago. almost too hot to handle after the main event. Southern Fried appears to be suffering no ill effects from the hike in ticket prices.
(1) Tyler Cullprett defeated Victor Cortez in 1:41. Cullprett with the springboard curbstomp to pick up a quick win.
(2) Stryknyn defeated Huckaby in 7:32. Cullprett stayed at ringside to observe. Match was fine. Huck's best right hand in wrestling did not find the mark. He slipped out of the F5 but Stryk stuck him with the spear.
Stryk locked eyes with Cullprett after the match. Stryk spun around expecting a problem with Huck but they ended up shaking hands. Stryk and Cullprett are obviously on a collision course.
John Johnson announced Battlebowl for April 17. Eight teams drawn at random will compete in tag team matches. The winners advance to the Battlebowl match. The winner of that match earns the title match of his choosing. Johnson said the winner of the next match would have the privilege of picking his partner.
(3) Ben Buchanan defeated Ashton Starr and Chip Day and Owen Knight for the right to pick his Battlebowl partner in 7:01. Day and Knight at Southern Fried were pleasant surprises for sure. They were the heels and joined forces for a bit, then it was every man for himself. Everyone got a chance to shine and all good in the process. A fast and furious round of big moves ensued. When the smoke cleared, Day was standing tall...but not for long. Ben took Day's head off with a lariat from heel.
Ben chose his father Bull as his partner. Bull came to the ring but for some reason was hesitant to accept Ben's offer. Ben seemed oblivious to this. Hmm...
Jacob Ashworth and Todd Sexton come face-to-face. Ashworth acknowledged he had made mistakes that had kept him away from his home. He thanked David Manders and the Southern Fried fans were welcoming him back. The good feeling ended right there as Todd Sexton made his way to the ring. Sexton said a year and half ago, Ashworth was riding high as Southern Fried Champion Todd claimed he was holding Jacob's hand the entire time. Protecting Ashworth from himself was a full time job. He had to bottle feed Ashworth. At this point, the crowd tried to shout Todd down. Todd said then the bomb dropped. Ashworth went on social media, embarrassed the company, the boys in the back, the championship and most of all, him. Todd said he announced Ashworth resigned as champion but the truth was Todd fired his ass. As he pulled out Ashworth's driveway, Jacob standing there with tears in his eyes, Todd smiled because he was done being the babysitter. While Ashworth was exiled to hot dogs and handshakes, people like Mikal Judas, The Approved and Billy Buck were keeping the company open. Todd took credit for saving the company just like he did when he first came in. Todd sidestepped questions from Manders and the fans about when Ashworth was coming back, because in his mind. Ashworth was never coming back. The fans were sheep. They were only there so he could make money. Then Manders decided to grow a pair and let Ashworth back in. 20 years in the business had taught Todd there was no such thing as a changed man. He would never forgive Ashworth for what he cost him. In Todd's estimation, Ashworth was an insufferable, insecure pig.
Ashworth said he came back for forgiveness and redemption. He was a changed man and his actions going forward would speak louder than his words ever did. Ashworth said let's do it like brothers/ He offered Todd a free shot with no retaliation BUT this would be his only shot so he better make the damn thing count. Ashworth stuck out his chin with his hand behind back.
Todd rolled up his sleeves, balled up his fists and got all tensed up...but he would not, could not pull the trigger. Ashworth kept egging him on. Todd teased jumping Ashworth from behind but backed off when Ashworth wheeled around to face him. Todd stewed and fretted and finally stormed to the dressing room without laying a hand on Ashworth. Heat...heat...heat...would have been even more awesome with better sound but they got the point across visually.
(5) Southern Fried Champion Griff Garrison & Marcus Kross & CT Keys (with Bill Behrens) defeated Mikal Judas & Bobby Moore & Billy Buck (with Todd Sexton) by DQ in 13:23. Kross looked A-OK in his first match after knee surgery. Master and Machine broke out the Goodman Bomb on Moore and Judas had to make a save. Buck posted Kross and blasted him with a chair to take him out of the match. As Behrens and Garrison helped Kross get to the back, the heels triple teamed Keys. Garrison took the hot tag leading to a confrontation with the fake SFCW Champion Judas. David Ali hit the ring like a house of fire to replace Kross. The crowd went nuts for Ali as he made his allegiance to Team Manders clear. Judas teed off on Ali but got speared by Garrison. Ali and Keys were not seeing eye to eye. Buck prompted a collision between them. Buck spinebustered Ali for a close near fall. The Ali chant was massive. Ali connected with a top rope elbow on Buck and Hawkins attacked Ali for the DQ.
The postmatch was carnage supreme with all seven men brawling furiously. Ashworth hit the ring to even the odds. Judas leveled Ashworth from behind. Todd was all over Ashworth now, jack hammering him with punches to the head. Judas chokeslammed Ashworth. Todd whipped Ashworth with his belt. Sexton Alliance had all of the babyfaces laid out. Todd got on the mic --- "Jacob, you want me to take my shot, April 17, one-on-one you pig." Todd called for a table. As Judas was about to choke slam Garrison through the table, Behrens got in the ring and punched Sexton right in the face. It looked great. So did the one he got in on Moore. Judas grabbed Behrens by the throat and chokeslammed him through the table, clean as a whistle. Kelly got in the ring and celebrated over Behrens' unconscious body. Todd put the SFCW title on Judas' shoulder. The fans were outraged. Manders, Kross and Stryknyn came to ringside but could do nothing. Sexton Alliance started kicking the crap out of Ashworth, who was laying on the floor right in front of a group of fans that losing it and threatening to jump the rail. The show ended with Team Manders shaken and in disarray as they tended to Behrens.
This was a classic, where the heat built and built until the moment Behrens went through the table. There were so many moving parts and opportunities for things to get messed up but everything worked.
NOTES: David Weakley was the ironman ref, serving as the official for all five matches...The announce team was Adam Vance and John Johnson...the ring announcer was Rick Richards...Behrens played a key role in the March 21-23 NWA taping at GPB studios in Atlanta and was pleased with the results.