ProSouth Wrestling Broken -- Piedmont on July 28

Photos by Aubrey Gilbert From Larry Goodman: The stage is set for ProSouth Champion Brandon Whatley vs. Ayden Andrews in a Kumite match with...

Photos by Aubrey Gilbert
From Larry Goodman:

The stage is set for ProSouth Champion Brandon Whatley vs. Ayden Andrews in a Kumite match with bloodsport rules -- no ropes, submission or knockout only -- next Friday night at the ProSouth Palace.

Whatley's win over Joe Black in ProSouth's first ever Kumite match on January 13 was the prelude to Whatley's title reign. Andrews emerged as the greatest threat to Whatley's title thus far. 

Cabana Man Dan returned to square off with Donnie Primetime and they had a hell of a match, the end result of which was the stakes being raised in Donnie's feud with the Amy Haven and CMD vs. Primetime II next week. 

Dameon Ceretone's new faction was revealed. 

The Kids of Keast rebellion against their father went full blown. 

And WWE's Gabe Sapolsky paid ProSouth a visit. 

This report was written from the live perspective with minimal notes, so match descriptions are on the sketchy side. 

I so enjoy the backstage atmosphere at ProSouth. Everyone is pulling together to put on the best show possible, often under adverse conditions and having fun doing it.

The heat and humidity in the seating area was not pleasant. Being inside the ring must have been like taking a steam bath. Being inside the ring must have been like taking a steam bath. 

(1) Kids of Keast (Caeden Ooten & Christian Garrett with Harley Haven) & Chris Kamikaze (with Saul Wright) defeated Nawfside Heroes (Jose Manuel & Shoota Gabe) & Dominic Stuckey in 8:18. The heels got heat on Manuel, who used the Hot Lanta Butter Cutter to get the tag to Stuckey. He cleaned house. Gabe speared Ooten. Stuckey had Kamikaze up for his finisher. Saul Wright grabbed Kamikaze's legs to block it. Kamikaze rolled Stuckey up with feet on the ropes. Referee Cowboy Troy never saw a thing.

I was watching from the merchandise table. Won't do that again. It's a bad angle looking into the glare of the spotlights. Couldn't really appreciate the match. It seemed OK. They were rushing a bit. 

Dameon Ceretone and Dorian out the ring in business attire with Change by Deftones as their music. Ceretone talked about the change in Dorian and how anyone who stepped in the ring with The Atonement would regret it. He had a cryptic line in there about not being able to see the forest for the trees.

The Atonement is a fitting name. If there's anyone who believes he's been wronged, it's Ceretone.

YouTube Champion Shean Christopher (with Ravenna Vein) interrupted, Christopher said he laid a man to death last week (a reference to hid fiery, blood-soaked Death Pit Match with Nathan Mowery). The last thing Mowery said to him was  to look into his trees. He didn't find Ceretone's easter egg line about trees funny.  If Ceretone wanted him dead, he was right here. 

Ceretone said he'd already told Christopher he was not the person who ran him over in the parking lot. Ceretone gave Christopher credit for going through hell last week but he had lost focus on what was important, namely the YouTube Championship, the title Ceretone won to become a grand slam champion. If Christopher thought he was the problem, how about giving him a title match tonight? Christopher liked the two birds, one stone idea  and accepted.

A well played segment to set up the main event. There's never a dull moment in the warped mind of Dameon Ceretone. He steered the conversation right where he wanted it to go. Christopher is ProSouth's top babyface. As such, a great babyface meets perilous challenges head on.

(2) Christian Pierce (with Roxanne) defeated Damian Lovehart in 4:49. Pierce was his usual hotheaded self, talking trash and beating Lovehart's ass. Lovehart finally answered with a fully of offense and got a near fall with a neckbreaker. Pierce put Lovehart away with the Bullhammer. 

Pierce did a number on Lovehart with Roxeanne after the match. 

After ultimately losing his feud with Stuckey, Pierce was back in the win column and got his heat back. Lovehart was one of two participants from the Gabe Sapolsky seminar to be selected for matches on the show. He's got some size. HIs lack of experience was evident. They got through the match thanks to Pierce and his, shall we say, strong personality. Pierce's bullhammer elbow finisher looked quite realistic.

(3) Aaron Dallas defeated "Body Positive" Cody Fluffman and Big Dave to retain the Unified All Out Championship in 7:21.
Dave tried to enter in the ring by stepping over the top rope and wasn't quite big enough. Negative Lee wasn't with him. Dallas had all four of title belts. Fluffman interjected himself into the match, Said since he did the best at the seminar earlier today, he would take Dallas'  title. Fluff told Dave it was about the girth not the length. 

Try as the might, neither Dallas nor Dave was able  to get Fluff up for a body slam.
Dallas shocked himself by getting both Dave and Fluff off their feet simultaneously. Fluff used Dave's hand to slap A-Aron's face. Dave and Dallas played pinball with Fluff's face until Fluff went down face first. The kids in the crowd chanted "little Dave" at Big Dave. Fluff did his steamroller spot. Fluff and Big Dave got into a big exchange of blows. Dallas took them both down with a flying body press. Dave dumped Fluffman off the ropes on top of Dallas but couldn't pin either one of them.
 Dave hit an impressive belly to belly suplex on Fluffman, only to get nailed by Dallas' Steel Toe and Dallas stole the pin on Fluff.

The most entertaining match of the show. I've seen Fluffman in three matches for three different promotions this year. He's gotten over and been entertaining every time. The zany nature of the match was right up Dave's alley.  It was something different for Dallas and he rolled with it.

Negative Lee challenges Dallas. Lee scrambled into the ring carrying two title belts. One was the old All Out belt and the other was in pieces and looked like something Lee pulled out of the trash. Addressing Dallas as "son", Lee said one of  Dallas' two belts was the All Out Championship. Dallas told Lee he had four belts. Lee admitted he had trouble counting but in any case, he was challenging Dallas to a unification match next week (you know, like the make believe unification match Lee had with Shean Christopher for the YouTube Championship). Dallas picked up the pieces of Lee's POS belt and shook his hand. 

A ridiculous segment. File it under perverse wrestling entertainment. Lee was hilarious. Dallas had an opportunity to improvise. I can hardly wait for the match.

(4) Ayden Andrews defeated Cameron Keast (with Harley Haven & Lynn Farley) via submission in 9:05. Whatley made his grand entrance to observe the match aft the bell rang. Keast evaded the Stamp of Approval and fled the ring looking harried. But Keast was able to turn the situation to his advantage. Keast had words with Harley and did not look happy. Fast forward, Keast got Andrews in the Koji Clutch. Andrews reversed into Cattle Mutilation and Keast tapped out.

A confident Whatley derisively applauded Andrews from the entranceway. 

Andrews looks like a million bucks and his ring work is totally solid but there's something missing in the charisma department. It was not one of Cam's better nights. Be that as it may, the match accomplished its missions -- Another submission win for Andrews heading into the Kumite match and Keast again received no help from Harley. 

Keast asked Harley to call Ooten and Garrett out the ring because it was time to air the family's dirty laundry. Keast admitted he had given them reason to lose faith in him. The struggles they had gone through had completely changed him as person. Keast said he had a good time on his date with Farley. He apologized to Farley for the horrible, hurtful things he's said to her. Keast said Farley should have a spot in Kids but it was up to Kids. Keast appealed to Harley. 

Ooten provided the answer with a fist in Farley's face. Ooten and Garrett beat Farley down. Harley said if this where Keast thought they should feel bad for him, "I want you to remember who we are." Ooten and Garrett laid Farley out with Hug the Sun. Yikes. Keast sat on the ramp shaking his head in despair.

Kids splitting with Keast came as no surprise. The shock was Cam taking a liking to Farley to the point he wanted her in their group. The Hug the Sun on Farley was unexpected and scary. Farley started to take a nosedive but landed OK. For her first time on the mic, Harley took a page out of Keast's book and came through just fine. 

(5) Donnie Primetime and Cabana Man Dan went to a 15 minute draw. Primetime worked on CMD's back, using a chokebreaker and a stalling suplex to wear him down. Primetime tried to go up top for the frogsplash. CMD cut Primetime off and gave him a superplex. Comeback time. CMD with an outside to inside tornado DDT for a close near fall. CMD called for Shipwreck (sliced bread) but hurt his foot on the landing. Primetime tried for the frogsplash. No water in the pool. CMD administered the flip flop chops. Primetime caught CMD with a cutter and quickly scaled the ropes for the frog splash. He got air all the way to mid ring and connected but CMD kicked out. Primetime was looking for superplex revenge, CMD for a Shipwreck off the top. Neither coud convert. CMD had Primetime pinned after hitting Shipwreck and bell rang at the count of two.

ProSouth has the capability of putting on quality in ring matches when they choose to pull the trigger on them. This was really good, smooth without seeming choregraphed and they busted ass in the heat. The build of big spots leading into the finish was laid out beautifully. Primetime's frog splash was major league. 

The crowd wanted five more minutes. Commissioner Amy said CMD only needed one more second but she was restarting the match with no time limit. Primetime said he appreciated the opportunity to embarrass CMD and show he was the King of the South. He had never, ever backed down from a challenge but he was hurt. 

Primetime attacked CMD from behind and ordered "baldy" (referee Nick Rich) to restart the match. Primetime went for the Diehard Driver. CMD reversed into slice bread. Primetime slipped out of it and bailed. 

Amy said OK, "King". Next week you vs. CMD with no time limit. Primetime said he was hurt and might not be ready but it would ease his pain to know if he beat CMD he would get five minutes in the ring with his queen. 

Just when you thought the stuff between Donnie and Amy couldn't escalate any further, they ramped it up again. I'm all in for running back Primetime and CMD.

(6) Shean Christopher (with Ravenna Vein) defeated Dameon Ceretone (with Dorian) to retain the YouTube Championship in 11:35. Christopher got off to a wildly aggressive start. Ceretone planted Christopher on the ring frame with a back suplex and controlled the lion's share of the match. Christopher's blue thunder bomb turned the momentum. Christopher with a unique move - a reverse leapfrog off the ropes into a back suplex. Christopher called for Dirty Pretty. That brought Dorian onto the apron. Ravenna pulled him down but the distraction worked. Ceretone tried for Sleep the Deep. Christopher escaped and went of the springboard cutter. Ceretone caught him in a dragon sleeper. That brought Ravenna up. Christopher slipped out of the hold and pinned Ceretone with a forward roll cradle.

Good match with a tough act to follow. Christopher is one of the best sellers and bumpers around and his skills have to been live to be fully appreciated. Wouldn't be mad about more between Dorian and Ravenna. 

Afterward, Christian Pierce took his baseball bat to Ravenna and Christopher outside the ring. Ceretone stopped Pierce and pointed towards the ring. Pierce, Ceretone and Dorian put the boots to Christopher. Pierce handcuffed Ravenna to the ropes. All she could do was watch and beg as Ceretone drove the end of the bat into Christopher's jaw. The newly formed Atonement posed to end the show.

Sick stuff. Pierce and his twisted sensibilities is a perfect fit for Ceretone's faction. Ravenna is down for whatever. Are we still to believe Ceretone was not Christopher's parking lot assailant? He hasn't proven to be a liar, at least yet. 

NOTES: There were 17 attendees at the Sapolsky seminar, which included tryout matches. Sapolsky was also critiquing and scouting during the show...Wicked Nemesis and Mathias Darkthorne were on commentary. Referees were Lewis Santiago, Gavin Pell, Nick Rich and Cowboy Troy. James Hardy was the ring announcer...Ryan Marx and Cody McKale (Mike Golden trainees who primarily wrestle for KLT) were visiting backstage.



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states,1,universal,25,unleashed,1,Upcoming,10,ups,1,usa,2,uswo,19,vachon,2,valabama,1,valentine's day massacre,1,valley,14087,valley wrestling,1,vallley,1,van dam,1,van drisse,2,velvet jones,1,vendetta,1,vfw,2,vine compilation,1,vintage,2,virgil,1,vordell walker,2,vow,1,walmart,1,walters,1,war games,3,warner robins,1,washington,1,WATL,1,Wayne,1,wcw,1,werestling,1,wheeler,1,whiplash,1,why we wrestle,1,wilcott,1,wildfire,1,wildside,2,wiley,1,william huckaby,1,willpower,1,wills,1,winter wars,2,women,4,women of wrestling,2,world,4,world class,1,world junior champion,1,worst case scenario,1,WOW,10,wreslting,1,wrestilng,2,wresting,13,Wrestle Force,1,wrestle jam 3,1,wrestle jamm,1,wrestlecade,1,WrestleForce,6,WrestleMerica,3,wrestler,1,wrestler with one leg tied,1,wrestlers,1,wrestlilng,1,wrestlin,1,wrestling,17428,wrestling atlanta,1,wrestling Done,2,wrestling georgia,1,wrestling is art,1,wrestling.,2,wrestling. crossfie,1,wrestling. television,1,wwa4,1,wwe,7,wwf,1,WWN,1,xperience,6,yehi,3,young bucks,2,zack ryder,1,
Georgia Wrestling History: ProSouth Wrestling Broken -- Piedmont on July 28
ProSouth Wrestling Broken -- Piedmont on July 28
Georgia Wrestling History
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