From SFCW: Southern Fried Wrestling held Vendetta Saturday night with an attendance of 260. It was the go home show before Crossroad...
From SFCW:
Southern Fried Wrestling held Vendetta Saturday night with an attendance of 260. It was the go home show before Crossroads on September 21.
Before the show began, Stryknyn came through the front door and sat in the crowd throughout the night.
Dr. Brock and Brooklyn Creed came out and bragged about what they did to Jacob Ashworth last show. Brooklyn called out Kelly Sexton for buying into their act and trying to comfort her. Kelly made her way to the ring after some badgering and removed jer ear rings and got face to face with Brooklyn and about to go at it when Kelly's husband Todd Sexton hit the ring to calm everything down. Crowd wanted to see them go at it.
1. Sal Rinauro defeated Marcus Kross after a distraction from Michael Stevens. Both Stevens and Griff Garrison were present at ringside and were very active. Post match Sal and Stevens produced a pair of scissors and attempted to cut Kross' hair before Griff made the save after recovering from being posted. The shreiks were very loud for the attempted haircut.
2. Alan Angels retained the Southern Classics Championship over Kenji Brea in a highly athletic and striking contest. Post match Approved members Adonis and leader Adrian Hawkins came to the ring saying Kenji has been a disappointment enough and he was now disapproved. Approved laid out Kenji and left him laying.
3. The match between David Ali and Xander Ramon that Ali challenged Xander for did not happen as Ali said he never challenged him to a match and it was going to be a test of strength via tug of war. Ali wanted to prove he was as strong as any heavyweight. Ali stalled for several minutes making excuses and even putting baby powder on his hands. Finally it began with both men struggling until Xander smiled and pulled Ali flying across the ring for the victory. As Xander celebrated, Ali blinded Xander with the powder and beat Xander down. Before Ali got through the curtain Xander recovered and chased him to the back. Segments like this can be hit or miss sometimes but this was definitely a hit with both playing their parts great.
4. Billy Buck and Brian Kane lasted a couple of minutes before Tetchi Makuji interfered for the DQ. Josey Quinn hit the ring and an impromptu tag match ensued.
5. Billy Buck & Josey Quinn defeated Tetchi Makuji & Brian Kane (with Dr. Brock). The cowboys got the victory after a superkick from Buck to Brian with a sunset flip from Quinn. The crowd exploded as the cowboys grabbed the belts and were announced as new champions.
However, Dr. Brock pointed nobody said anything about the tag belts and no contracts had been signed. Reluctantly, matchmaker Todd Sexton came informed and said Brock was right and returned tge belts to JB Enterprise. However, Sexton announced a rematch at Crossroads for the tag titles and Dr Brock would be banned from ringside. Crowd was very upset about the titles being returned but enjoyed the announcement at Crossroads.
5. AC Mack won a Triple Threat match over Will Kaution and Slim J to earn a shot at Alan Angels Southern Classics title at Crossroads. An extremely innovative and athletic match with too many cool things to mention. AC got the pin on Will after a Mack 10. Post match Angels and Mack had words.
Stryknyn left the crowd and got on the ring and cut a promo that he showed up cuz nobody told he was not on the show. Stryknyn complained about being ignored and not getting a title shot after his last opportunity was ruined by JBE. Stryknyn said he was sick of being ignored and going home. Crowd supported him in everything he said.
6. Jacob Ashworth retained the Southern Fried Heavyweight title against Adonis after interference from Adrian Hawkins backfired leading to Roll of the Dice from Ashworth for the win. This meant that Mikal Judas could get any match with Adrian Hawkins at Crossroads. Judas' voice came over the PA announcing it was going to be a casket match with Hawkins freaking out in fear and crowd going crazy.
Jacob Ashworth then asked for the contract that was signed in his blood for the match at Crossroads with Logan Creed. Logan's wife Brooklyn brought the contract to the ring goading Ashworth. Ashworth said it was only fair to sign in it someone else's blood. Brooklyn said Jacob would never hit a women and Jacob said he never said it would be her blood.
Kelly Sexton then brought out Dr Brock who was bleeding from the head. Brooklyn called for Brian Kane and Tetchi Makuji but Billy Buck and Josey Quinn came out showed that the tag champs were locked in a supply room that had a big window that the crowd could see into. Brooklyn ran into the back to try to get them freed as Jacob Ashworth used Brock's blood to sign the contract making the main event for Crossroads official for Jacob Ashworth vs Logan Creed for the Southern Fried Heavyweight Championship. Crowd loved every bit of this.
Front row for Crossroads on September 22 is sold out. Lineup includes:
Will Kaution and GB1C vs CB Suave, Josh Powers, and Ryan Rembrandt
David Ali vs Xander Ramon
Master and Machine vs Sal Rinauro and Michael Stevens
Casket Match: Mikal Judas vs Adrian Hawkins.
SFCW Tag Team Titles: Champions JB Enterprise vs Billy Buck and Josey Quinn with Dr Brock banned from ringside
Southern Classics Title Alan Angels defends against AC Mack
SFCW Heavyweight Title: Champion Jacob Ashworth vs Logan Creed.